Age Verification
To access you must be 18+ years old. Our site is intended for a mature audience.
To access you must be 18+ years old. Our site is intended for a mature audience.
Welcome to Punter Planet's Community! To see most of our boards' content (a lot more than the small amount of topics you can see right now), you'll need to log in or create a free account. After registration, remember to validate your account via email (so please use a valid address and make sure the message we'll send you does not go to your spam folder).
By using the chat room you agree to the following:
First rule of the chat room is no personal attacks.
Second rule of the chat room is no personal attacks.
Third rule of the chat room is no personal attacks.
Then there are more rules such as:
No malicious gossip about anyone. No misguided sense of entitlement either, so please be reasonable.
Be courteous to others. Please use commonsense too.
Please be aware that Punter Planet staff has the capacity to read chat room logs, including so-called private chat sessions.
So, nothing is really private in the Chat Room. Not abiding by the above rules may get you in serious trouble.
One complain from 5 different members about another member, will give him/her some holidays from the chatroom; no questions asked.
However, the most effective way of dealing with troublesome users is to ignore them by clicking on their names and selecting the option.
If you are here, you are an adult, so we expect you to behave as such. Do not contact a moderator when you are able to ignore others.
Remember, offence is never given but only taken, so you can easily solve that sort of problem by just clicking a button.
By accessing the chat room you release Punter Planet, its owner/s and personnel from any and all liabilities.
The use you make of the chat room and any consequences of doing so are exclusively your own responsibility.
By selecting any option below and accessing the chat room you indicate that you've read the above rules and agree with them.