Hello, my apologies as the work on the site took longer than expected.
So, here's the news. Our forums are not longer to be found on forums.punterplanet.com but directly at the top domain punterplanet.com (hence, the nightmare that has been between cached content and redirection problems).
I have hidden most restricted areas for now, like the Star Masters Lounge, until I'm sure the above mentioned problems have disappeared and everyone has the correct permissions to see the content they are meant to see. Regardless of that, please clear your browser's cache.
Now, why we have done this? It's a very old plan really. As our website grew to be more than forums, it doesn't really make sense for other sections like Galleries, Blogs, etc. to be under the forums category.
But what held us for years was the Advertising Guide or Directory, for which we always had to use a different software. This had the disadvantage of double-handling lots of things, including logins to the different areas. It renders everything very confusing to new users, etc.
I've always suspected that the most active subdomain (forums.punterplanet.com) also cannibalised the advertising guide (escorts.punterplanet.com) on Google's results. So now having a brand new Directory also sharing the top domain at https://punterplanet.com/directory/ may give our advertisers better visibility here and on Google results. Now, I cannot really predict how Google will reflect this, but it was worth trying anyway. Dealing with three different brands of software to run a single website can be a bit tiring too.
I will put a separate announcement about the new Directory, but that's the main novelty!
I hope you all like it and use it. The old one will be deprecated gradually, but most if not all ads are already redirecting to the new versions.
Being in a same software, the potential for integrations is very big, so it will also evolve with the time. Of course, it will have its quirks but as I said we will improve any problems that may arise.
So, welcome back, and if you found any broken links, etc, please report them (there shouldn't be, but if there are they are fixable, assuming the links to images, etc were not broken from before). And as I said, please clear your browser's cache. You may want to take note of your password just in case, but you can always reset your password here: https://punterplanet.com/lostpassword/ if you need to.
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