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  • Kimber Slone
    Kimber Slone




    Kimber News: 

    • Email is my preferred contact. Email [email protected] My phone is still active, however I am hardly on it. Email is the go to!!
    • Special Offers made exclusviely to my subcribers. Visit www.kimbersloneescort.com to JOIN!


    Kimber Tours:

    TOOWOOMBA: July 20 (limited availability)

    MELBOURNE: July 24 - 27

    PERTH: August 1 - 3

    SYDNEY: August 15 - 17

    SINGAPORE: August 28 - 30 



    I am now offering a whopping 20% discount for your birthday month! That's right, a discount for just being born. Simply book any of my packages (dinner date, overnight or weekend away) and recevie 20% (up to $1200) discount. Offer valid for your birthday month and may be removed at anytime, so take advantage of it while you can. Visit my website www.kimbersloneescort.com for more information. 


    Check Out My Profile!

    Edited by Kimber Slone

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