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  • ChanelRose69

    **chanel Rose: Touring Adelaide From 1-3 of May 2018** & My Updated Tour Schedule!



    Hey loversssss!!


    Im touring ADELAIDE next week !!!! Im sooo excited :)
    - Tuesday the 1st (from the afternoon onwards)
    - Wednesday the 2nd (all day/night)
    - Thursday the 3rd (all day/night)


    Then I will be jet setting to Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne for the rest of May!


    - Limitied availability
    - As a thank you Im offering $50 off the service fee when you prebook.


    Please SMS all enquires and bookings to 0416 585 727 or email [email protected]


    If you’ve always wanted to see me then now is your perfect opportunity to get in touch more so then ever! Because across all my recent and upcoming my travels, particularly this upcoming tour in May I'll be seeking new and exciting lovers with whom I am able to share more of my X rated fantasies with and my deepest erotic desires.
    I guarantee you will indulge in one of the most mutually satisfying and genuine bookings you’ve ever had when in my company. 


    Check out my May tour schedule to see when I'll be in your city. Dates below!


    Hope to hear from you soon ;)


    Can’t wait to play! 
    Kisses, Chanel xxx


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChanelRose69


    Check Out My Profile!


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