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Diary of a Brothel Receptionist

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The Girls Made Me Cry Today



I'm having a terrible day and I don't really want to talk about it.


But a lot of people like the insight into a brothel receptionist's job - and this is part of it. I don't believe in not talking about uncomfortable things.


But first, a little back story. I'm morbidly obese - I have struggled with my weight forever. I have severe psoriasis all over my body that does not respond to any treatment. Please do not ask me if I have tried X Lotion. I probably have. I have severe depression and anxiety problems. That's partly due to the psoriasis which has seriously damaged my self esteem.


I came into work in a really good mood only to be told that one of the girls was pissed at me for telling her last night that she was perhaps a bit too drunk (she was flashing her tits at everything in sight and practically mounting people on the street). She was behaving in an extremely trashy manner. She was threatening to leave because of me.


I got over that. Whatever. Ramblings of a drunk woman. She apologized. (But then continued drinking constantly and yelling at me for random things).


Then later, someone made a (supportive) comment to me about how it's got to be hard to be in the shadow of the receptionist everyone loves (who started last week, by the way). She went on to confess to me that one of the girls had made comments about how disgusting I look and how I should wear sleeves to my wrists to hide my skin.


It took me about 8 years of overheating and feeling miserable on a daily basis to feel comfortable even wearing 3/4 sleeves - another several to wear tshirts. So I just hid in the bathroom and cried like a little girl.


The girl who told me (rightfully) told me not to care about it. I know I shouldn't. I know I shouldn't care when they call me "fat slut" either. But I don't have a hard shell to protect me. I don't have the self esteem to just get through that and let it roll off my back. I just crumple.


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I know your boss is an asshole, but this is workplace bullying. It is never acceptable.


For some reason, I think your blogs are therapeutic for you so keep us posted on what happens.


And wishing I could give you a hug.

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Honey, take a long look at the person who has caused you this grief, then say to yourself, " how does this person matter to me? If I you are true to yourself, this person and anyone else will not matter. You are on this planet for a reason and it is not to be bullied by anyone. Stay strong and give yourself some credit. You are dealing with something that can crumble the strongest. But you still are functioning, give yourself a break Hun.

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anuddafatguy, Woah woah woah. I never meant to give ANYONE the impression that my boss was an asshole. He's lovely. He is absolutely a fantastic boss. The only reason anyone was taking it quietly is because the woman in question was a visitor who would be leaving that night. He wouldn't just sit there and let me be abused.


Julian65, I think that the problem was - that before this day, that woman and I had been friends. She just turned on me like a vicious dog - pardon the analogy.

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Sorry tandilicious. Your blog titled "Dear Boss, I love you. Asshole." (which I read) was the reason I said that.

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Try not to waste that emotion on asseholes Tandalicious. Stay strong.

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8005, <3


anuddafatguy, It was meant with snark. He's a good boss and treats us all well and with respect.

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You're just going to have to deal with issues like this in any sort of job with people, when I worked customer service as a young man I got abused stacks, from that I got good experiance from dealing with certain types of people and my instincts got much sharper, it might get to you but then after you have recieved a lot of it you just get blunt to the whole thing and shit just bounces off, any sort of job dealing with females is going to generate drama.


If you're weight is a problem ect. and you want to change it consider seeing a professional nutrutanist or something they should be able to help you reach goals your more happy with in a safe and controlled manner.

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Unfortunately, This is the industry we are in.


Thick skin. Itll help you everytime.

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I lost a client years ago because I was "too fat".


Its not the same as your predicament, l but my reaction was not dissimilar to yours.

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On a practical matter of the psoriasis, many of the modern day health issues are directly attributed to environmental factors as well as genetics Things like diet and pollution often can contribute a great deal depending on whether you are genetically susceptible to reactions.


No assumptions here on your lifestyle but modifying dietary intake and consumption of certain food groups often produce noticeable results. It's actually not rocket science and something that everyone can do.


Unfortunately due to globalisation, the agricultural practices of yesteryears have been modified in order to feed a growing global population. Enhancements (for production) have been made to foods that form the stable of our diet without full understanding of their effects.


Just something to think about if you want an alternative to the tried and tested approach.

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ahhh no offense but if you're that sensitive (and I don't mean that in a bad way) brothel work won't help you. You need to find some other work for your own sanity because brothel girls will be brothel girls. Writing about it here is probably going to cause you more trouble, sorry. You should just say to them, would you rather me to be fat, or skinny and supper hot and take all your clients? (not that fat can't be hot) LOL.

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I like to remind myself daily that some people need a high 5, in the face, with a chair.


Chin up my lovely x

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