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SDU Drinks Night - And other things



I decided to arrive at 8:15pm I wore tight black jeans long leather boots a tight red top that read "naughty girls get more presents" and a little red shoulder top with my fake fur coat I looked hot I thought and since it was my first drinks night I wanted to make an impression. I got there and was greeted by Tessa and some others that was that was there. Evenually Holly came looking lovely than ever with her date.

It was a lovely night I had a good time even though I was quite. After a few hours some people were dancing and some were talking and we were all getting a long well. After being there for a while i decided to head home for a while til they were ready to head to the strip club. By that time a lot had gone home because they were sleepy. After an hour or so I headed to the king cross to meet the others. I have never been so nervous in life entering a strip club I know I shouldn't be but I was. Anyway got there saw all these hungry men and women that wanted to see sexy women get naked. I have never seen so many women get so hot and excited for another woman apart from in the bedroom lol. I can see why so many men go to these places it really made me horny going there seeing the sexy women there shaking the bum's and swinging from the pole and making love to the floor lol it was quite a turn on. Anyway once in the club i found holly and the rest of the gang i sat down at the stage and holly gave me some of those money vouchers you give the ladies.


There was a sexy girl that came on the stage made me wet seriously any way i handed her a $5 voucher my hand was sweating and i could feel the sweat coming down my face i so was nervous and shy placing the money in her g string then after I did that she placed her legs between me Gosh i was embarrassed and she gave me a bit of a dance.

I love the way they dance and get on stage and swing from the pole it was good enertainment. Wouldn't it be funny If i got up on stage But I guess when you are up there you just blank out the people from the club.

Any way after been there for a few hours all i wanted was my bed so i decided to leave holly left before me and I stayed with another punter then I left.

It was a good night.

Ok on a serious note my tour my Adelaide is postponed again I know guys, I know, I will come there soon I promise. Am here in Sydney for a week then am heading to melbourne Depending on my bookings I might have to cut my time short If I don't get enough. But am sure you gents would love to taste to some yummy chocolate something sweet to wet the mouth lol, I could do a lap dance for you if u want well i can try. I am sad about Adelaide I really really wanted to go you know. Never mind.

Canberra was great I will be for sure heading back to Canberra again but I shall stay in a hotel a bit closer to the city even though I was close this time I would like to be closer. Canberra is small but I do like it, I did a bit of sight seeing which was good.

When I go back from Canberra on Saturday I was bugged completely I was so tried But wanted to go to the drinks night I know i was meant to go apartment hunting but as soon as my head touched the pillow i was out like a light for a few hours.

It my birthday soon September 20th. I have no idea what I shall be doing, i know shopping am going to buy myself something to say How great I have been and how far I have come and how much I have achieved and how am still going, far with your studies,with your business and with your other business ventures. After Melbourne is Hobart looking forward to it I really am it should be a blast.

Well I guess tomorrow its back to college again being off, I am a lot better now thank goodness, I have so much work to catch up but its all worth it in the end. I wonder what I got on my assignment I hope I did well I worked so hard on it.

O guess what I have decided after getting a lot of enquries that I will be heading to Perth in October not sure of the dates yet but as soon as I know I shall post it.

Okay am heading off to bedfordshire nite nite


P.s The Canberra Boys were very good and I will come back again soon xox


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You mean Holly arrived with a Date, only a day after she spent some time with me. She's such a fickle bitch. :lol:


Glad you had a good time Rhianna. I would have liked to be there, but I couldn't make my excuses. One of these days.........

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