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Dipper350's Blog

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Dipper’s Year of hell. And how Sex Workers helped me big time.



Yes we all have one of those years. And this is mine. (With a twist)

By May 2012 things in my life had gotten very stressful. Enter Escorts (Sex Workers).


Up to May 2012

1. December 2011 my Wife and I decide to move into separate bedrooms under the same roof. (Also FYI we never had any children).

2. December 2011 my farther is diagnosed with lung cancer.

3. December 2011 my wife’s sister is diagnosed with breast cancer.

4. January 2012 my father and my wife’s sister start treatment for cancer.

5. My 2 week holiday to Tassie in March had to be shelved… Family issues had to be tackled.

6. March a very close cousin in Brisbane died very suddenly from cancer… at age 35. (Wife and 2 Children-Very sad)

7. March my Wife is retrenched from her work.

8. March father was released from hospital, things started to look up.

9. April family business is having issues, 3 people leave, 1 left good we were going to have to put someone off, but have to immediately replace the other two… have to work more hours to make up the loss of 2 people.


May 2012

10. 2012 May, my father re-admitted to hospital, Cancer has come back with a vengeance.

11. May, spending time at hospital.

12. May, spending a lot of time at work.

13. May, spending very little time at home… Yes which meant anytime at home was hostile.

14. May, start looking at websites for Escorts… after about a week looking in free time mostly after midnight… Decided to use private girls… Had never done anything like this before… did a whole heap of reading on etiquette… Also reading the Ladies web site... Regarding preferred methods of communications and the structure of the communication…

15. May, send my first email to an Escort… ( I will not be putting any of the Ladies names here not %100 sure.. Pro’s and Con’s...)… Anyway she answered very quickly and a time and date locked in… And yes she is still a favourite regular.


Beyond May 2012

16. Early June after talking with doctor’s, it was agreed to bring my father home. As they were suggesting he would not last more than a week.

17. Mid June 2012 my father passes away. Funeral.

18. July 2012 decided to start going to other escorts…

19. July moved out of home of 21 years… very sad and stressful day…

20. August 2012. First and only Punt that went pair shaped…

21. August 2012 Yes Joined Punter Planet… Very interesting forum…

22. August 2012, My Wife’s sister is given a clean bill of health.

23. August, September and October… Family business very shaky.

24. End October – Major Family blow-up. My Sister and I have no option but to walk. After 27 years in the Family business this is really scary stuff.

25. Start of November… Received letter of dismissal… Yes signed by my own mother!!!

26. November/December solicitors. 3 days before Christmas payout finally agreed and signed. 27 Years just flushed down the Toilet…

27. 2012 Christmas day. For some reason I don’t really remember much about the day as such…. But it certainly had a different feel to it.

28. January 2013. The straw that broke the camel’s back so to speak. My pet dog a fox terrier 11 years old... was having problems breathing, took him to vet… they did some test’s.. after a couple days they rang me up.. Turns out he had extensive cancer throughout his body.. Took him back to the vet for him to confirm a few things… And now my dog, he is really having problems breathing… Had no option but to put him down write there and then… Then got home lay on my bed and had a good long cry… And the terrible things that I worked out the last time I had cried was some twenty years ago… at my brothers funeral…


29.Actually a change of heart I will name two. These two Ladies that really did help me from the very start… Yes in total I have seen about 20 SW. And all of them I will not forget. And I have valued my time with each one. All so very different, all so memorable for different reasons. And all of them a delight to be around. The two are: - The first escort for me – Jayme Lee Fox… Then Savannah Stone, A big thank you Ladies. But since mid-November 2012 I have met some other amazing Escorts. And most of them I plan to meet up again with.


30. Anyway two weeks ago decided that I had put my body under a bit of stress over the last year or so… So went to the doctors and had just about every blood test available including STD’s.. And all come back with good results… Except vitamin D was low…


Since February this year just been getting things back on track in my life....






Recommended Comments

Taylor Alexander


Thank you for a private insight to the other side of the fence. I really feel for your situation . I'm sure many people are sending you a little bit of positive strength vibes.


I hope things get better as they say when your at the bottom the only way to go is up !!!!



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"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill


Interesting read dipper. I know a little of what you speak, and I too have found the company of beautiful women to be as a rejuvenating tonic.


Chin up ;)


If you are looking at your feet you can't see the road ahead properly.


If you spend too much time looking back you may miss the road signs for your next turn.

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Thank you, Yes agree, I do need to keep moving forward…


It has also been very curious, One or two people who are how shall we say are acquaintance’s, have offered me a new path, what I thought was too good to be true… and yes more investigations revelled YES too good to be true. Which means also trying to avoid pot holes… But that’s life…

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Life can be like this. Had moments like this and just when you think things are getting better wham - but in the end I'm happy and life is mostly good and would change anything.


A snapshot

Father dies

First child born

First wife leaves at least I have a job.


Second child just born

Company goes broke job looks like its gone down the toilet, 25 years of work lost.

Beloved uncle dies.

Relocate get a better job and more pay.

Life back to good.


On balance not a bad life, two lovely children and a loving family even the ex talks to me.

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Yes very true theprof... And thank you for your words.

At this stage i can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

( Really hope it's NOT an on coming train - probably should not say things like that - lol)


For some reason even putting this blog up has helped me to move on/let go.

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Charlie, Charlie, Charlie Yes growing Old, Not sure about Disgracefully yet. But certainly plan to enjoy every minute.... lol

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Dipper, hope karma plays its part and swings it all in your favour given last 12 months. Jayme and Savannah - two women that would have shown you positives (and pleasures) in life.

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Serena, most of you Ladies as far as I am concerned do a fantastic Job. :)


You are So right Drewboy I had forgotten about Karma…

But yes certainly Jayme and Savannah have help in getting the stress leaves down… and the positives and the pleasure levels up…

And definitely most of the other Ladies this year have certainly helped.

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Serena, most of you Ladies as far as I am concerned do a fantastic Job. :)


You are So right Drewboy I had forgotten about Karma…

But yes certainly Jayme and Savannah have help in getting the stress leaves down… and the positives and the pleasure levels up…

And definitely most of the other Ladies this year have certainly helped.

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Thank you for sharing Dipper350. I hope things get better for you. I,ve had my share my father died then a horrible divorce all happening within 18months. I also have found company with some amazing escorts so fully understand where you are coming from.

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Thank you for putting your heart out there. I truly feel for you. I'm currently going through a few stressful things aswell but getting a little better every day...

Look forward to meeting you in July xxx

Arianny K

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Skipurple. So True about the Amazing Escorts.


Arianny. Thank you. And i really hope you can be resolute and get your way though your stressful things. sooner rather than later... :)


Thank you all, for all the Positive feedback via here and other social media :)

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Thank you so much for sharing that. Too many thoughts to put into words...yet another reason why I love the PP community. :-)

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