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Bodyline - 28/11/06 - Anastacia

Trouser Area


Hi lads,


I've pretty much finished my reviewing of my past Bodyline encounters and will now post as I go, so the frequency might drop off a little. Sorry to finish with a bad review, but I think they are as important, if not more, than the good ones.


I noticed last week that Anastacia is still working there so this review night be useful to you. About 6 months ago I saw Anastacia for half an hour because none of my favourites were available. She looks OK dressed, but has a pretty ordinary body stripped down. I think she's really out of condition and she looks kinda flabby. Anyway, she gave me the most boring back massage I've ever had. Not much oil and she just rubbed mechanically back and forth on my lower back. She kept on asking me how it was and I didn't want to say "Absolutely shithouse" but I was tempted.


I got sick of being rubbed and asked to turn over whereupon she oiled up my still-flaccid tool and attempted to yank it vigorously into life. Is there anything worse than this? I tried to help the erection problem by having a feel of her tits (which are nothing special), but I could tell she didn't like it much, so I stopped. Anyway this went on for a while and I shut my eyes and thought of Gemma and this helped the situation and a weak orgasm finally limped over the finish line.


There was not much to recommend this girl and not even good conversation to temper the tiresome service. I give her a 2/10 because she was not actually nasty to me, but just totally incompetent. I'm surprised she's still there. Maybe she's improved alot. Someone might be able to tell me.


All I know is that with most of the girls I've seen at Bodyline, the biggest problem is holding off on the orgasm, so I'm really disappointed by someone who can't even get the rocket to the launchpad.


All the best, TA


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