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Idiot from last night



Last night I was working privately in Glenelg. I met a Persian/arab guy. We went up to my room and he was angry that I said we must use condom (it's stated on my add). He eventually agreed but said to me that he gets to do whatever he wants to me. I said no, we both deserve to be respected in the bedroom. Within that 45 minutes I literally thought he was going to kill me. He was slapping me in the face, forcing his tongue down my throat, punching me. Demanding everything very rudely. He could not come within his allocated time so he dragged me to the shower and demanded I suck him without condom. I said no. He was very angry at this point. My alarm started to go off and he turned it off, threw me on the bed, and stuck his penis inside me. No condom. At that point I was crying, begging him to stop, he just said shut up while he pinned me down. I could not move. My alarm went off again. He got up and turned it off and threw my phone. I got up thinking we could finish but he threw me on the bed and told me to shut up. Again he puts it inside of me. This man was absolutely terrifying. Eventually he finishes and states he needs a puffer. He looked kinda stressed afterwards. I decided to go onto escort and babes and type his number in a certain area. There he appears.

There are a couple other girls he has done this too. Just really want to put out a warning if anyone comes across this guy. I feel so violated and sick that he has done this. The screenshots are to big to add but I’ve put them on a instagram account 





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Sounds like rape to me. As hard as it is he should be reported, or even deported. That’s why girls have a list of nationality types they refuse to see. Unfortunately one bad apple, can spoil it for everyone.

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Yes, from what I gather from the opening post, that's physical and sexual assault. It's something for the police.

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Report to the police. Typed the mobile number into PayID and it comes up with A HSEIN/A. Hussein. 

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Sorry to hear this happened. If possible it needs to be reported. CCTV would be nearby to help identify him for the police. He is an scumbag that needs to be caught.

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This is a crime and it should be reported to the police. It is clearly a sexual assault. If you can manage it, get a rape kit done and keep all the texts as evidence 

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Thanks guys yeah I don’t know if it’s a good idea I go to police because of the line of work i am doing. After he finished we went to the Watermark hotel across the road because he wanted to give me $200 extra. But when we went inside Watermark to use ATM he didn’t have physical card with him. He was unable to pay me extra. So I know there would be evidence of us, even in the elevator of me crying and barely even looking at him. 

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12 minutes ago, Brunettegirl said:

Thanks guys yeah I don’t know if it’s a good idea I go to police because of the line of work i am doing.


Sex work has been decriminalised. What if it turned out worse? Try contacting RhED, they may have someone that can support you. *Edit* Just noticed you are in S.A. Not sure about that state. May explain his attitude, thinking he can get away with anything.

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Jürgen Die Ziegler


38 minutes ago, wicked said:


Sex work has been decriminalised. What if it turned out worse? Try contacting RhED, they may have someone that can support you. *Edit* Just noticed you are in S.A. Not sure about that state. May explain his attitude, thinking he can get away with anything.

It's only become decriminalised in Victoria recently, legality of sex work varies from state to state, yep SA currently illegal.

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2 hours ago, Brunettegirl said:

Thanks guys yeah I don’t know if it’s a good idea I go to police because of the line of work i am doing.

You do whatever choice is comfortable for you. Again, sorry to hear this happened.


2 hours ago, Brunettegirl said:

After he finished we went to the Watermark hotel


2 hours ago, Brunettegirl said:

I know there would be evidence of us, even in the elevator of me crying and barely even looking at him.


I would still suggest to get any copies of any footage you could get. 

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May I suggest that you get some legal advice? I'm sure there are free community legal centres around your area who could advise you of your rights. I am reluctant to tell you to report it to police if that will lead to charges against you but I would like to think that sanity might prevail and the police might just treat you as a victim, not a criminal. I hope so, as this guy needs to be taken off the street before he can do the same thing again.

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@Brunettegirl Yes it’s illegal but I believe you will not be in any trouble. Sexual assault is sexual assault. The extra $200 that wasn’t received is hush money. Sadly this is becoming a regular occurrence in the industry. I definitely suggest legal advice if you feel you will be prosecuted and to ease the mind. I’m sure there’s SW legal advice you can find for free. 

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Yeah report him, you will also be preventing him from assaulting other girls in future. In my experience with the law, the police won't be interested that you are a sex worker but rather will want to put a stop to that creep. 

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Do you have a support person who could accompany you to the nearest police station? If so go with that person to the police, ask to speak to the most senior policewoman or a policewoman who specialises in sex crimes. Get your support person to discuss with the police and ask for her advice on what action you could take. One of you needs to take notes of what the cop says. This could lead to the guy being charged, it could lead to you having to say 'Fuck it, not worth pursuing." After talking to the cops go away and think about your options. I am so sorry you had this experience. 

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Wow, this is horrifying to read. I'm sorry that this happened to you. 

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On 11/4/2024 at 5:10 PM, Brunettegirl said:

Thanks guys yeah I don’t know if it’s a good idea I go to police because of the line of work i am doing. After he finished we went to the Watermark hotel across the road because he wanted to give me $200 extra. But when we went inside Watermark to use ATM he didn’t have physical card with him. He was unable to pay me extra. So I know there would be evidence of us, even in the elevator of me crying and barely even looking at him. 

@Brunettegirl what you have described is rape, regardless of your line of work. 

Contact these people for advice:




The police won’t charge you. 

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The problem with the law and courts is that they're civilised.  And this maggot is not.  

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I am very sorry to hear this occurred. You need to go to the police. They will not be interested that you are a sex worker.

Not only do you need to go for yourself but also to ensure he does not keep raping other sex workers.

Castration would be a suitable punishment but unfortunately the punishment in Australia rarely fits the crime.

Some nationalities it is safer not to see at all.

I wish you well. Your own safety is paramount. 
Never feel afraid to call for help or call the police if you feel unsafe. Most Australians are not judgemental.

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have you tried to enter his number into payid or whats app? can even add it into your contacts to see if he has snapchat

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James Sunderland


Bro that's rape. Can you please just report him? Please? The whole reason you were raped was because the last few girls didn't report him, so he's going to rape again and again and again violating women left and right because nobody bothers to file a police report. How many women need to be violently raped before someone speaks up?


Here, this is the choice being made every time you don't report your rapist:


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On 11/04/2024 at 4:40 PM, Brunettegirl said:

After he finished we went to the Watermark hotel across the road because he wanted to give me $200 extra. But when we went inside Watermark to use ATM he didn’t have physical card with him


Was there a reason you followed him across the road, I'm struggling to understand this as the common human responses in such situations  are  fight, flight, freeze ? 

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@AndyJ absolutely . @Brunettegirl


i know it’s difficult situation but justice must prevail here . Some of the best and kindest and wisest people I have known are sex workers . I and like minded fellow travellers ( ie real men ) would not let this stand . We would have no hesitation in dealing very harshly with this low life filth . Sending you love and support ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Brunettegirl, So sorry to hear of your experience - as a man I am constantly embarrassed at the behaviour of some of my gender.  As everyone has said, this is a crime and needs action. However I can also understand your reluctance to do so as you may feel your privacy will be invaded.


I believe to police are far more aware of violence issues these days and would take a complaint seriously. There has been excellent advice on contacting a number of sources for advice and particularly taking an ally with you. I am sure some organisations could help you with this if you needed it. This arsehole needs to be stopped but  also appreciate it's up to you to decide what is best for you in the long term. At least know that PP guys are with you. 


Downside might be you could end up doing him a favour - if he was prosecuted and sent to Yalala he may end up with more sex than he imagines possible!!  Oops - this just brings out the bitch in me 🙄 

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I didn’t expect to read that at all. 
Fucking cunt Arab.

No I am not rascist! I am intolerant. 

I hope you reported to police and have him charged or go with option b and put a hit on him. 

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I’m not certain but I think in SA that prostitution is not illegal, but a lot of the activities that lead up to it are, like being part of a brothel. If I was a WL I would have a recording app on my phone. Recording audio is generally not a crime if used only for legal purposes, but check SA laws. If no problems then delete, otherwise take it to police.

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