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Pumper tries some Milf Liana Samuals Nov 2009



Those who know me also knowthat I’ve been on a bit of a journey of self discovery over the last fewmonths. Hung up my punting boots back in June as I was finding that eachencounter although satisfying certain sexual urges was leaving me a little moreempty inside punt after punt.


I’ve recently been watching FIAaction again, and noticed a few reviews and several posts of a new talent onthe market Liana Samuels.




Intrigued by this woman’s highlevel of regard for a connection with her companions I shot off an email someweeks ago to see what she was all about.


Got a very long well craftedresponse back the same day talking about herself and why she does what shedoes, questions about me and my desires and aspirations etc. This communication,texts and several phone calls back and forth led to me arranging a meeting witha few mature stipulations up front that Liana was more than happy toaccommodate. Specifically the mature approach to let’s spend time in eachother’s company and if we click and want to move forward we do otherwise weshake hands and go our separate ways. Hey, thepumper isn’t to every chicks playbook, I know that.




The day came and sure enoughthe lovely Liana arrives early (keen) at my hotel, we have a kiss and hug, makeour way to the room and proceed to spend an hour or so chatting and touchingand kissing feeling our way into each other’s comfort zone.




I will say this very importantthing, Liana and I both seem to agree that this punting thing needs to havesome degree of connection between the punter and hooker, or as Liana puts it,Liana and her chosen companions. Saying that we were obviously very comfortablebeing with each other, bloody hell we had spent more time talking, texting andemailing each other over the last few weeks than this booking time in total.




So where was I? Oh kissing, onthe couch the kissing began, gentle at first, then deep strong and wet, tongueso deep and lips so passionate that I thought we were going to merge into oneperson. And so it went on further and further over the next few hours of thisvery intense passionate lover experience.




Articles of clothing droppingto the floor one at a time, each one punctuated by more embracing and kissingand hot bodies hungry, needing to be quenched in the carnal fulfillment that weknew was yet to come.




What followed this was severalhours of incredible sucking, fucking, pumping, massaging, more sucking, fuckingand pumping, over and over again and again, on furniture, in the shower, andoccasionally on the bed as well. In the end the bed was saturated in acombination of sweat, copious amounts of bodily fluids, massage oil and waterfrom an attempt to replenish our fluids, what a sweet concoction we had made!!




Now about the woman Liana.


She is early to mid 30s,average height 5’4” C-D breasts, brunette, not a super model body but certainlya body built for loving with the stamina to match.




This woman took everythingthepumper could throw at her and came back asking for more. Yes there were orgasmsall over the place by both parties, culminating in a grand finale that not onlycurled my toes but almost blew Liana’s eyes right out of her sockets…




I managed to teach this lovelylady a new little trick I’d picked up during my sugar babe experience which shereally seemed to enjoy and she has promised to practice behind closed doors inorder to help her master the skills.




Liana is an incredibleinsatiable passionate articulate woman, well worthy of the discerning puntersconsideration. She’s not the quickie punt type of woman but a true passionatelover who happens to charge a bit of cash for the experience in order tolegitimize it to a degree. She is I believe in her sexual prime, mind you Iimagine she has been this way for more than 10 years so I’m not sure I can makethat assumption. Liana is certainly no clock watcher and at no time did shelook at her watch or clock while having my penis deeply impaled within theconfines of her warm wet throat.




Now any punters out therethinking about booking Liana take note, she only works certain days of theweek, is fast developing a list of regulars she will continue to see at herdiscretion and she expects the punter to make the effort to express himself upfront articulately so both parties can develop raptor before the punt takesplace. If you haven’t seen her and you are thinking about it, for god’s sakebring your ‘A’ game, no starfish efforts please lads. Fuck this woman like it’sthe last fuck of your life and she will return the passion in spades withinterest.




Liana has rekindled my love ofNSA sex, mind you though I don’t think I’ll spend time with other hookers untilwe have run our course and fulfilled our intent towards each other. Of coursewe won’t be fucking each other forever; everybody grows sick of everybody overtime. I’ll keep fucking Liana until that spark is no longer alight then we willboth move on.




In the interests of FIAaccuracy I will say that YMMV here lads. Liana is not to every punters tasteand I’m sure not every punter will be given the chance to spend time in hercompanionship. She certainly rocked my little red wagon, I’ll be back once bothof us are able to walk properly again, yes it was that good.




Contact details have been givenelsewhere guy’s, so have a look around and find them for yourselves.




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