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Dallas Dancers - 28/07/06 - Angeline



I hope I am not mixing up names here because the girls we met were many. Yes, I have to learn to say no to any girl that comes to me and offers me a lap dance. But probably I'll stay away from these places altogether.


Dallas is obviously more downmarket than Centerfolds, and going straight from the latter to the former, it's instantly obvious. The advantage is that prices are more affordable. Coming from spending $50 for a dance at Centerfolds to Dallas where the average price is $20 seems like a good change.


But thinking with a cold head, actually thinking with the real head, I still believe that $20 is far to expensive for what you get. Angeline is a tall, platinum blonde with a huge tattoo that covers one of her shoulders. She is kind of cute but looking back I probably wouldn't pick her if we were at a parlour. Her dance was okay but unlike Centerfolds I was requested from the start to keep my hands down the whole way through even when I did not attempt to do otherwise. The routine was a strip tease to full nudity, opening of her legs, teasing me with her boobs and hair. The downside was Angeline's habit of kneeling on your legs and letting you support her weight. She is thin but very tall, so we are not talking of a petite girl. Verdict, I reckon that Montana at $50 in Centerfolds is better value than Angeline at $20.


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