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Barabings - Amber J Lee 0 19/04/08 - farewell punt :(



Dear Amber,


Well the days finally arrived, and I’m off to Barabings for my last session with you. I just can’t tell you how heart broken I am, our regular punting is coming to an end. I think I’m gonna have to go home and write a song - a sad song, a blues song in the key of Am.


I call early, certain that there’ll be a major showing of your fan club, and I’m right, however Johnnythefox has luck on his side and scores a morning time slot.


”Yeahah” Johnny screams, sitting in the café in busy Brunswick St. What a lucky fucker Johnnythefox is today !!!!!!!


Knowing it’s our last session here (sob, sob, sob), I book an hour rather than the regular lunchtime 30mins. I consider booking the whole day, but knowing that would really piss off a few FIA friends who are also keen to catch you for a final farewell, common courtesy gets the better of me.


Anyway pretty lady, over the past eighteen months you you’ve grown to be a special part of my life, and the almost weekly sessions we’ve shared will remain fondly in my memories, and of course detailed in every possible way on FIA, (OK, not quite every detail – the lurkers need something to ponder).


We’ve shared some great sex, good laughs and fun conversation. You’ve teased me, laughed at me and even kicked me in the head on at least one occasion, but still I return for more.


Relationship counselor, fashion advisor, restaurant critic, personal sex coach, you’ve done and been it all. At times we’ve laughed so much, Mr Wobbly has even left the room, having to be coaxed back for more.


Today’s another wonderful session, great playtime, a wonderful romp, (of course Johnny’s left to do most the work, but hey he’s not complaining), and there’s a glorious finish. We still find time to solve a few of the world’s mysteries and then ponder over our next engagement.


Amber, I walked into BB’s 18 months ago, and discovered a gem, you are gold. Thanks for the good times here, enjoy your break and I hope to see you in Private real soon. I’ll be contacting my good mate, you know the one with that flash CBD apartment we recently enjoyed, I hope he’ll be forthcoming again, though we did leave the place in a mess........






And for those who never never go, ha, you missed out big time!!!!


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