My visit to Ladies For Gentlemen was planned one day earlier, following a tip by a fellow punter about a lovely girl who was meant to be there despite a name change. Unfortunately, I needed to wait until 6pm on Friday to visit, which left me many hours available for punting somewhere else before then.
It was like this, that on Friday 13th I had a horrible half hour (actually 15 minutes as I cut the booking short) with Naomi at the otherwise always reliable Grosvenor. And after that, I failed to find Barabing’s since I was searching in the wrong suburb. My early afternoon punt was not meant to be successful one way or another. So I decided to accept my fate and to take it easy until 6pm.
I can’t remember what I did in between, but in no time I was ringing the bell at LFG. A friendly receptionist took me to one room and asked me if I was after someone in particular. I told her about the young lady but unfortunately she had taken the day off. Was my Friday 13th going to end the same way it started?
The receptionist told me that she had other three ladies available and if I wanted to meet them. Of course I wanted to meet them (yet I wasn’t in the most optimistic of moods). Finally only two of the three were really available, and one of them really took my fancy, her name is Claudia.
Since the moment Claudia walked in I could feel that my luck was about to change. She held my hand and we exchanged a few words. I asked her if she would kiss me and she replied that I was kissable. Simone, the other girl gave me a good vibe too but Claudia was right up my alley and I booked her for 45 minutes.
Claudia is a size 8/10 long-haired blonde in her thirties, C cups, quite an athletic body with a killer little bum which drove me crazy during the session.
She took me to a huge room with two beds at the top of the stairs and let me there to have a shower. When she came back, she persuaded me to give me a massage. Generally the massage at the beginning of a session is an omen of a dull service to come, where everything sensual is generally replaced by a distant rubbing of your shoulder. Hence, I always decline. Now, with Claudia it was different, there was something about her that told me I had nothing to lose by indulging her request. It was actually good for conversation but also I started liking it when Claudia began kissing my buttocks and body-sliding on top of me. Of course, I couldn’t resist and turned around for some pashing and touching until Claudia decided to tease little AndyJ by kissing my balls and teasing the shaft a bit. I then returned the favour and it was easy to get Claudia wet. When I finished and after a little bit more kissing, Claudia somehow positioned herself with her bottom up. It looked so lovely that I couldn’t help it and jumped on top to slide my willy on her crack. What followed was a very nice tease.
After that she got a condom and gave me a bit of a good CBJ before sitting on top. We went through a few positions while enjoying her vision on the mirror and I came relatively quickly, probably a product of the frustrated afternoon, or due to a long foreplay or maybe because she is simply pretty hot.
We had some nice pillow talk and reluctantly, still with little AndyJ in party mode, soon it was time to leave LFG. I had a great time with Claudia and I would happily see her again.
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