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sex, no drugs and rock and roll (well makeup for a music video)

Dita Butterflys


Had a fun filled day yesterday at work... to top off a fun and crazy week!

Began hair at school- which I began with almost being reduced to tears (I couldn't get a curl in the mannequins hair infront of class- then accidentally ripped her head off!!! First and only person to do that!!!). All was OK after some retail therapy buying a stupid amount of fake lashes. I bought my tears away! Now to glue poor Emeralds eyes shut again! lol.

I then got uber into hair after a sexy hair dresser showed me how to do it- and got a little too cocky... burning my neck using a hair curler- on 240 degrees... Cos I like to live on the edge... of sanity, clearly!

Luckily my new do hid the burn- and my lovely, and accepting (of my lack of coordination) regulars understood and didn't hold it against me. Some even kissed it better- well not the burn, but other regions.

I got to meet two new faces! Which was incredibly exciting. One I will now call Doogie Howser- who was young, virile and alot of fun.

Another, well, we found it was quite a small world after chatting! Such a sweetie though! Hope to get a play session in again with both soon.

What can I say, I don't kiss an tell... well always...

Sadly no doubles. I had to post pone my trip to strippers followed by a night of debauchery with Emerald due to a makeup job, and her loyalty to you gentlemen. Lucky buggers!!! Sadly, my new, amazingly constructed, strap on wasn't enough to entice her away from the real thing. Hopefully soon! You men better go and book her so our loss wasn't in vain... and so she doesn't ravage me- too much- when I next see her. Maybe you better not book her?? I am torn lol.

Am about to go and look to see if my latex sheet has arrived- hopefully the post office fairies are kind! Then to do makeup for a 1970's theme music video...

So excited!

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I honestly thought I'd never be able to open my eyes again.......truly TERRIFIED!!!!!! lucky i luv ya n let u restore my vision :P xo

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