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Henry1's 2008 Reviews

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Jasmine's - 13/06/08 - Koko



Thought I would have a go at this place given all the good reviews. 3 girls in the line up and Koko looked the best (a hint of a smile not like the other 2). 100 for half (special 140 for an hour before 6pm)


It was OK. Very nice wash and oil massage. The BJ lasted all of 15 seconds and then tug, tug, tug...... What nothing happening!!!??? She was actually a lovely girl and tried her best. Don't know whether it was me. Maybe I've just got used to FS where you can control touch and pressure to a large extent. With RnT the lady has to be a lot more skilful to get you over the line. I eventually got there, but not without some self help. :wub:


Koko was pretty good and did sing to herself (a la Lucy). I loved that. Will have to try again sometime.


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