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my perth pre xmas sojourn



I came to perth to locum in a hospital in 2009 as I met a guy on a dating website and as he lived 100m from where I had just been contracted to work it obviously was meant to be ( fate=love) however I took my rose colored glasses off , or rather actually met him in person and not the bla bla he was saying on the phone or the internet and funnily enough he was a red neck with too much money, no social skills and to top it off a lousy shag ( and there I have been saying there is no such thing ! I just dont write about it but rather forget it) , I stayed 3 weeks at his home and played instant GF cooking cleaning and in general contributing to his home he shared with his feral 16 yr old daughter ,he was the only person I knew and as social invitations from fellow workers were non existent I embarked on how to live my life without the familiarity I was accustomed to , so I acquired 2 wheels and cycled everywhere in my free time on the weekends ( no shit oops shift work in private) How wonderful to be able to move around the city without having to watch for the crazy driver (s). And I cycled to work , to the gym , to the supermarket and home and as luck would have it was able to repeat this 5 days a week YAWN and all day on a saturday YAY, a nice day sunday was spent out to the nudie beach to spy on hot eurasian chicks . consequently my bottom was reborn the years of grinding my cunt into a bike seat during 60 mins of RPM at the gym and going nowhere had finished it was an epiphany , one can actually go somewhere on a bike rather than staring at the big fat ass of the person in front of you and no hills in perth city just mild undulations . Perth ^ The weather , the sunday sessions at queens. my lovely guardians who took me away from fuck knuckle ,and to their beautiful home in Bayswater,, mondos butchery, mad nites at the indy bar. weekends at south yunderup and NO SEX ughhh , well ok I had my first DP here in perth , it was an amazing random event with 2 hot guys who picked me up and invited me back for a glass of wine , little did I know of their cunning plan , I laugh now if I had thought at the time that this is an event which would turn into a service I would be charging out for in the future and this was the practice run. WOW ! So it came to mind as one teen moved out followed by the next I would like to revisit Perth and in my new position as a courtesan I wouldnt be an orphan cycling from bar to bar , park to park around the city looking like "my friends are about to arrive". There would be a social life and great sex, oh my work ! But what about the company ,who would come to see me , I can say the company having spent 6 weeks here now has been excellent. Respectful, thoughtful (bottles of wine , lunches , dinners lifts with the excessive baggage from apartment to apartment) great sex , intelligent conversation and then sometimes none, just hot sex with my bradley cooper lookalikes that were rolling through the door( I can be a sex worker with a PSE slant) , offers to go biking on a harley davison in the hills (please contact me) nice text messages>" how are you ",thank you text messages . learning about gold from experts, listening to wonderful irish accents , witty englishmen, . fantastic fat bastards ,rekindling with fellow kiwis and to top it off my new trick CIM which I had to practice and then practice again,I would like to thank the volunteers you know who you are.....Well my 2 hour booking last night is waking up 6 hours after arrival, I love connections and laughter , I may not have had time for cycling this time but have done my fair share of squats , thanks for having me and see you next year! kitty preston

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