Bitch Fight? FUCK YEAH!!!!
Hell yes, i love a bitch fight!
I love them in real life and i love love LOVE them online... unless of course i am involved and that really sux cos well, i dont really fight unless i am feeling VERY passionate about something... but when its someone else,.. OMG get the popcorn *DING DING DING* Round ONE!!! (oh i should mention, i only get in bitch fights online.. not in real life.. i dont believe in hitting girls.. weird concept i know, but thats not how i roll lol)
There is something hot about 2 women fightin in the flesh... mind you, if you're the one IN the fight it is shit.. cos well, girls fight dirty. Im talking hair pulling, eye gouges, nipple twisting (ok maybe i made that up but fuck it sounds good right? lmao)
Its funny, but whenever i see 2 men fighting, im one of those try hard femmes, who just HAS to go in and break it up.. especially if one man is losing badly and the winner is going over board. I will throw myself in between them, even if they are total strangers to me..
but if its a bitch fight OH HELL NO, i aint jumping into that shit lmao its way too entertaining!
And i guess, in my head, the men can do alot more damage to each other.... sure the bitchs may lose some hair and break a few nails, but man fights... well, ive seen some bloody messes. Some near deadly messes... not cool. They have the power to do serious damage.. and yes ok sure some girls can do damage but id say nearly 90% of the bitch fights ive seen, its all just superficial and mostly egos that are bruised
So the "black men big dick" thread has inspired this blog.. Nia versus Megan. Why is it that this is entertaining to us? And i KNOW its not just me.. i know you lads get a kick out of it when 2 forum girls are at it! Is there something sadistic in our nature that makes us want to chant " Fight! Fight! FIGHT!!!"? Is it because it rarely happens amongst the girls that is is different and unusual and.. well.. entertaining?
What is wrong with us? lmao
There have been some awesome bitch fights on the forums.. im not going to mention them, but im sure we can all think of at least 2 or 3 that stand out..And whenever they start, you can be sure that that thread will have more than a handful people viewing it at any one time.. just waiting for the next "punch" to be thrown...
If two punters are fighting, it still gets attention but not as much as when the girls are at it....
Give me your thoughts on why bitch fights are so exciting!
I dont know why i like them.. but omg... i just cant look away when they start... why god why?????
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