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new video blog

Another intro video on the channel has acrobatic moves Not this one tho.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbvQ6YmHVZk



My latest video project

I shot my friend. dead pan . Really - I did!!   Here is the beautiful footage - you might have to pay few cents to see it ...and you can also look at the kickstarter to see what it was about .   I DO love my friends.   http://misc.jeremy.org/staring.html



Nicky DA B dies of cancer at 24

Most people that have read my blog know I loved this young rapper for his creativity and style - something I haven't ever seen before and I find fresh . I was looking forward to following his career, watching his music change with age.   Thanks Nicky Da B for just a bit of joy in my life . Your music makes me laugh and smile. Your caring nature shows through in the videos featuring different bodies, genders, and sexualities.   http://boingboing.net/2014/09/02/new-orleans-bounce-music-star.



Sex Workers Takes Over At Festival Of Dangerous Ideas

Jules Kim, Migration Project Manager at Scarlet Alliance along with Zahra Stardust (Porn Star) and Cameron (Male Sex Worker Representative) at Scarlet takes over Festival Of Dangerous Ideas . Jules combat anti-sex work abolitionist rhetoric of Kajsa Ekis Ekma to criminalize clients. Kajsa is also speaking at Spinfex press(responsible for publication of Shiela J's works) with none other than Caroline Norma(sex work abolitionist) of RMIT later in Melbourne. Kajsa reminds me of Sarah Newlin in Tru



Interview Australian Sex Worker

Just sharing my new video of my friend Rahni and her experience with sex work - what contribution the work has made to her life, her run-in with radical feminist organizations in Melbourne. It's a bit long - hope it's not boring :)ENJOY! http://vimeo.com/99791103




RIP beautiful woman.   http://titsandsass.com/the-erasure-of-maya-angelou/



Random Brothel Exposé Generator

This is great use of technology, art, and activism! Are you a tabloid reporter stuck for a salacious story? This Random Brothel Exposé Generator helps you get the job done - while allowing sex workers to get their own jobs done in peace!   Tips for your brothel exposé: → Aim for that exciting combination of sexy and scary. Exotification and fat-shaming are additional tactics you might like to use. → To drum up extra indignation, juxtapose information about local property rental prices with



who wants to try?

Interactive projection sex maybe ? ha ha. Sorry I am not dressed sexy or anything . just hanging out late sunday afternoon and playing with my computer is all.  



Bad Luck- with Nada :(

Is breaking one's tooth on a bacon which costs you 4-5000. And then losing all your money you made on tour over the weekend .



Andrew Hunter died yesterday :(

He has been amazing sex work activist . http://www.nswp.org/news-story/mourning-the-death-andrew-hunter-nswp-president     This year, we lost few really amazing influential activists that made HUGE contributions to the global sex work community .   Andrew Hunter is responsible for Asian Pacific Network of Sex Work. and global network of sex work - he gave voice to the most marginalised of the sex industry in places like Cambodia and Thailand, helping to raise issues about raids in name o



ORGASM BATTLE- only in Japan

Battle of heterosexual porn actor vs. gay bar owner rumoured to make "ANY MAN CUM".     http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12x3hw_poko-x-tate-orgasm-wars-av-actor-sawai-vs-takuya_fun



death of Carlos Batts

for fans of his work - he took one of my favorite photos of myself ... which I won't show.. ha ha. Anyhow. He was a really really great person.   http://newswire.xbiz.com/view.php?id=170418



RIP Gabriella Leite

She was an amazing activist . Will miss her.     http://www.akissforgabriela.com/?page_id=2736



The MAN behind Femen.

I hate Femen - they pushed a sex worker off of stage, attract attention to their cause using blondes and conventional beauty while spweing anti-sex work rhetoric, use middle eastern outfits as "costume" for their anti muslimah protest in which muslim and muslimah is very unclear, and now the curtains are pulled to reveal the real man behind FEMEN.   http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/the-man-who-made-femen-new-film-outs-victor-svyatski-as-the-mastermind-behind-the-prot



disturbing time with Nada

Not much shocks or disgusts me- given my former life as crime scene cleaner , circus performer, and much more..   But THIS - This is like.. horror movie stuff! Oh.. the HUMANITY!



Time Out With Art and Poetry with Nada

A Contribution to Statistics by Wislawa Szymborska English version by Clare Cavanagh and Stanislaw Baranczak Out of a hundred people those who always know better – fifty-two doubting every step – nearly all the rest, glad to lend a hand if it doesn’t take too long – as high as forty-nine, always good because they can’t be otherwise – four, well maybe five, able to admire without envy – eighteen, suffering illusions induced by fleeting youth – sixty, give or take a few, not to



For Petite Jasmin and Doris Özer

Protest against violence towards sex workers were held on 19th of July, 2013 around the world in memoriam of murders of Petite Jasmin and Doris Özer .   https://vimeo.com/72147043



religion and sex work radio

I was honored to be on radio last minute on Vixen Hour speaking about religion and sex work.   http://joy.org.au/thevixenhour/2013/08/sex-work-religion/   ENJOY!



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