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Anya Sonder's Blog

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How did I get here - part 2

Ok due to popular demand and many requests, I thought I would write part 2 of my night. I kind of resisted because a) it sounds a bit unlikely and I haven't asked permission from my tantric friend - but I'm pretty sure she is ok with it.   So when our time was up, we got dressed to leave and as I was saying thank you, I mentioned that I was staying in town that night (as I live a way out and I wanted to be able to relax and bathe in the feeling without having to think about the real world for

Anya Sonder

Anya Sonder

How did I get here: Diary of a new WL

I've only been in the industry for a couple of months, and its only part time for me but I often get asked what got me into it. Here goes: I was coming out of a long-term relationship where mismatched sex drives meant that sex was happening at best every few months. I thought I was ok with that but in hindsight what on earth was I thinking?! Anyway, I was seeing a great guy casually and after a month of remembering what great sex could be he said he wanted me to meet someone. Someone who had cha

Anya Sonder

Anya Sonder

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