17/05/08 - YUMI
Venue: Duncan St Fortitude Valley (Brisbane trip)
Session 30 mins
Cost $70
In Brisbane for business and while killing time waiting for the plane to take me back to Melbourne I decided that I would sample a local massage. So with this in mind I grabbed the local paper and looked to see what was in my general area (as I was on foot). One jumped out at me – Japanese massage Fortitude Valley. Gave the numbe
Viet Nam
State of play. Viet Nam is still a communist country with some fairly hardline views on sex trade so be aware that while pay for play is available it is quite illegal and you may get a knock on the door mid stroke from the local whallopers who have been tipped off by a hotel clerk you didn't tip enough.
Now that being said the women in the south of Viet Nam range from very cute to smoking hot and given the opportunity and the right set of circumstances I would g
Arrived in Johor Bahru (JB) about 2:30pm after a long scarey bus ride (about 3 hours) from Mersing. Eventually found a hotel to rest my weary bones. JB is a great place for sleaze as it is just over the causeway from Singapore and yet the prices are still in Malaysian Ringgits (about 2.6 RM to the $AUD). I stayed at the Compact Hotel, which is probably the closest to the Causeway and still in the sleaze/market district of JB. The room was large, clean and had king-sized bed and AC which was requ
Night Time on the Streets
Ok now as I have said previously the night streets of JB are not for the feint of heart. That being said the food smells from the market drove me from my room for a feed and so off I went in search of Roti, Satay, and other culinary delights. I am not one to shy away from the exotic when traveling and when I saw Sup Cobra advertised I thought that some snake soup could be the order of the day. This soup is not snake meat in soup but is actually snake venom i
Music Lounges.
After my back re-alignment at the Gents Saloons I strongly felt in need of a cleansing beverage and as any good traveler knows where you can here loud music you usually can find beer (even in a mostly dry country). So in my meanderings I came across a place called the Shanghai Music lounge and wandered in for a beer.
Now this is a bit disconcerting for a first timer – you walk in and are met by a large bloke who asks what beer you want. You select and are t
New Hollywood Saloon
After getting my bearings in JB and locating the potential punting points I went back to my room and showered and changed (again). Walked the short distance past the touts trying to get me to buy their knock-off dvds and found myself talking to an older lady in front of the New Hollywood Gentleman's Saloon. She was offering massage for RM 30.00 which to my aching bones sounded alright (also I had heard that the woman out front is rarely the woman who provides the
After the FIA gathering at Dallas last night I realised that there were certain things that I have come to take for granted over the past 4 years which may be of interest/help to anyone visiting the place for the first time (or in fact many of these apply to other clubs as well). So I thought I would compile a quick list of potential traps and things to avoid in visiting Dallas (in particular) although often these will apply to other places as well.
Dallas ... as most club
Well isn't this one of those places that I bet all the locals know about but don't want to share with any of us southerners. If I lived in Brisbane I think that I would find it very easy to spend a lot of time (and money) in this place.
Entry to Cabaret is obtained by navigating between the homeless and indigenous persons crowding the footpath and requesting your change and squeezing past the large bouncer into the foyer area where you find a little cloak room looking area
Strip Clubs
I haven't been to a strip club - what should I expect?
Firstly if you haven't been to a strip club ... then you should get new mates. Visiting a strip club has been a rite of passage for people coming of age ever since such clubs started. Ok so we are past that and you now have new friends. First thing that you need to realise is that a Strip club is usually not much different to a normal bar with some minor exceptions.
Exception 1 - There are a lot less