Pricing - My Views
Of late there have been a number of threads popping up on Punter Planet in regarding the prices ladies and parlours charge for their services. Some asking why it is so other just being critical.
I've bitten my tongue on the subject but I think it was about time that I expressed my view. It's very simple. The ladies and establishments who charge high rates will just simply state that they're only charging what they believe the market will bare as there is no industry standard. Well good luck to them I say. If they can get that kind of money all the best. As for why Asian parlours.ladies are a little cheaper. Well I wont go there so I'll let you draw your own conclusion, but I avoid them personally.
As for the punters who complain well I say very simply this, if you don't like it or can't afford it, don't book them. Stick to your own personal budget, It's not rocket science.
I have done just that and it has worked for me over the years. But what I will say is this. Price tag is no guarentee of quality
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