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Randon Stuff. Punting and other stuff

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Twenty Years And Counting

Hard to believe that this week it will be 20 years since I first entered this crazy world we call punting.   Was a memorable day all round for me cause I had been to a footy game that afternoon and saw the messiah rub salt into the Melbourne Storm wounds by kicking a penalty goal from half way.   I even remember what I had for dinner that night. A Super Supreme pizza with garlic bread and finished it off with a pot of cookies and cream ice cream. Ahhh my last meal as a virgi


ian80au in First punt

Catfish Off The Table - Part 2: Reg Flags

As a follow up to my previous blog,   Was recently in correspondance with somebody on that same dating site. Anyway they were supposedly only able to communicate during the "Free Communication Periods" which I think they should shitcan cause it lets all the riff raff in.   Well the corresponance went from the site to WhatsApp. It was then that this person's phone number raised a red flag. A quick Google search made me realised my concerns were well founded.   The country code of their phon



Catfish Off The Table

Recently after a review I posted about a very pleasant session with a lady from the other side of the Tasman I made a comment saying that it was great even if one of her fellow country people had broken my heart earlier this year. One of the comments posted was asking if I could elaborate in a blog.   To be honest there isn’t really much to tell. I had been corresponding with a “lady” I had met on a dating site and had got to a point where I was going to make a trip to meet them. It was durin



Workplace Dysfunction Part 2

A couple of years ago I had written a blog giving my take on things in a discussion thread. Re: Finding happiness in the workplace.   Well unfortunatly thing after improving from my rough trot a couple of years ago, thing at my work have gone down hill quickly. We have recently got a new boss and moral has really gone down the toilet. In the last couple of months since the new boss took over we have had a large staff turn over, including a couple of long termers have left.   Well it's at the



Ian's Hypothetical - Part 2

A while back I posted a blog about comparing the idea of ordinary blokes who might get on The Bachelorette being a kin to minnow countries at a sporting World Cup , who has remarkably qualified for the tournament and is just happy to be there. In all honestly I wouldn't take it seriously because I know I have no chance of winning. To just get a rose once. Would then make be feel like I've sprung an upset one of that sport's superpowers.   Well in light of what has happened at Euro 2016 I felt



Game Abandoned

I recently posted a comment in the thread about “Have you ever been rejected by a WL and that I had recently had a situation where it wasn’t so much a rejection but more a case of a booking having to be abandoned.   My recent trip to Auckland had made a booking and as I always do, I had a shower 20 minutes before she was due to arrive at my hotel room. (I’m not going to name the lady because this wasn’t her fault and I don’t want to throw her under the bus so to speak)   I cut myself while



Ian's Hypothetical

This is a follow up to a blog I wrote a while back called The Unreal Bachelor. This is only a short one but just shooting the shit with it. Saying that I'd never get past the first audition. Basically cause I have a good head for radio, a good voice for newspapers and am no captain buff.   Say I did audition to be one of the guys on The Bachelorette and actually made it through. I would feel like one of the so called minnow countries at a sports World Cup, who has remarkably qualified for the



Flash Gordon

We've probably heard in the media recently these stories of Queensland State MP Billy Gordon's alleged behaviour.   But just wanted to have a lighter take on it. In case you're wondering I'm referring to the allegations of him sending pictures of his local member to women he hardly know. Makes you wonder what posesses him to do this. Firstly I should declare that I I'm not throwing stones here cause it's the old notion of glass houses.   But back when I was getting up to it, it was a young l



RANT - Workplace Dysfunction

Ok people I'm going to have a bit of a rant here. But not to lambast anybody who has posted here but to say. I get where you're all coming from. For me there are a number of things that make my job harder than it has to be. Managers who are full of their own self infatuations, arrogance of certain staff members, different departments at log aheads and a boss who wants to be everybody's mate but is also nothing more than a yes man for those at head office.   I mentioned in another thread about



Prove It

As I’ve mentioned a number of times, when it comes to booking private WLs and having them come to a hotel room, I don’t like arousing unwanted attention, hence why more often than not I mainly stick to seeing private girls when I’ve been on holidays. Mainly cause I’m in that room for about a week.   Though on the two occasions I’ve seen Lani in my home town I’ve had her come to my home not only cause I wouldn’t around unwanted attention (I live on a corner and my one neighbour minds his own bu



The Unreal Bachelor

As we know there has been a quite a bit of hoopla of late over the TV Show The Bachelor where they had broken up before the final episode went to air.   Well as much as I despise reality TV, Even though I will confess I’ve never watched the show but have seen the trailers to get a gage of things and in my view the show is totally unrealistic.   The bloke featured is always some hunk with a body that makes him look like he spends his every waking moment in a gym and wouldn’t be out of place i



Kittens vs. Cougars

This was inspired by an ad for a parlour I saw in the local newspaper where they stated they had ladies that were from Kittens to Cougars. It’s the old question of which is best. This is not necessarily in regards to WLs but ladies in general but in the context of this blog we’ll leave the debate to WLs. During my punting career the ladies I’ve seen have been at both ends of the age spectrum and everywhere in between.   Obviously Kittens is referring to young ladies and cougars referring to th



What A Stinker!

I have often spoken about the only real stinker I've had during my punting career. If I had my time over again I would have walked out on her. It wasn't just bad sex it was her whole attitude. Made it out like it was a chore and didn't want to be there.   In the intro where she was the only one available at the time she seemed nice enough, but when we got into the room is when things changed. After I showered and then when she started to undress, when she wouldn’t let me help her with her und



If I were a parlour owner

This is in light of a parlour I have frequented in the past being up For Sale. I have often wondered if there are any perks to being a brothel owner. Obviously the buck would stop with you in terms of the business side of things. I’d want to just simply be a silent owner where I don’t really run it however if required to do so would take matters into my own hands.   Keeping in mind this is purely hypothetical. If I’m looking at buying or being a stakeholder in a brothel, I’d want to know ever



What Is a Gentleman?

As we know working ladies often like to make references to their clients as being Gentlemen, and I have often wondered what they actually mean by that and I welcome any lady’s input on this one.   The Oxford dictionary has a few definitions of the word, but the applicable one here I think is it’s first one: A chivalrous, courteous, or honourable man   When I was young and naive I had the impression that when they referred to clients as gentlemen that it was a case filtering out the so calle



The Walk Out

One of the common talking points as we know when it comes to punting in brothels is the walk out. Leaving when you don't come across a lady who takes one's fancy.   Well having gone nearly 12 years of a punting career without having done so I figured it was bound to happen sooner or later.   Well it happened to me when I had my last punt.   After having not gone to A1 Temptations for nearly 9 months I decided to try there, well as some people on here would think. The unthinkable happened.



The Newcastle Report

For those who are in or visiting Newcastle this is for those looking for a punt I thought I'd share my own intel.   A1 Temptations   Located in the light industrial suburb of Sandgate and opposite Newcastle's biggest cemetery. Is an old house that's been converted with an entrance at the rear with off street parking. It standout like sore thumb being painted orange with purple trim. Has 4 playrooms. In my visits there usually would have around up to half a dozen ladies on offer. I've had up



Blurred Lines

I've been intrigued by some of the threads on Punter Planet lately about various aspects of this business.   Namely one in relation to a punter falling for a WL or visa versa or about experiences in general. There is no doubt that sometimes that line between it being being a business transaction and a sexual experience with emotions get crossed and undoubtedly causes Blurred Lines. It's just human nature.   The colourful American wresting identity Jimmy Cornett once described the wrestling b



Sitback, wait and see

On another sexualy related messageboard I post on a topic about "Pay for sex" has been posted. The OP is as follows.   I'm now going to sit back wait and see what people post on there for a while to see what people post. But I can almost guarentee all the stereotyping will come out of the woodworks.



Open Forum Madness

WARNING!!! RANT ALERT!!!!   I want to have a bit of a rant about internet forum message boards here, though I want to start off by saying that Punter Planet is one of the more civilised message boards that I have ever posted on. Here the moderators do a good job in dealing with anything that is untoward.   Well recently I left another message board after 10 years of posting there after some rather unsavory activity. What happened was something that ended up snowballing. I wont say which one



Beware Of The Scammers

I wrote and published this a few years ago but still has relevance now ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my pursuit of trying to find a permanent lady friend to share my life with I've signed up to a number of free Personal sites. Well recently on one of them I've become the target of what seems to me to a scam. It seems that there are some "women" who have pics of




Some people may say that I am a bit immature because I still have posters on my bedroom wall. Admittedly they are posters of scantily clad women. Most of which I have pulled out of magazines and calendars over the years. I know WLs might have a different view on it and not mind too much but I have had it implied that a woman in the "real world" would see it as a sign of maturity.   Well to a degree I'm still a big kid at heart, mainly cause my childhood and teenage years where far from perfect



Solid Gold

On Friday Night my local club was holding a Solid Gold Party Night. Which is a gig where a local radio DJ plays music from the past. In fact I think he might've raided the music library of the radio station her works at. It's music from the 50s to today. It's also intercut with music trivia where the DJ gives away CDs. I've now been to a couple of these nights and it's a very enjoyable night out.   What intrigued me was that even the youngens that were there that night even had a blast. Was a



Pricing - My Views

Of late there have been a number of threads popping up on Punter Planet in regarding the prices ladies and parlours charge for their services. Some asking why it is so other just being critical.   I've bitten my tongue on the subject but I think it was about time that I expressed my view. It's very simple. The ladies and establishments who charge high rates will just simply state that they're only charging what they believe the market will bare as there is no industry standard. Well good luck




As we all know misogyny has been a buzz word in the last couple of weeks in relation to federal politics and the shit hitting the fan in parlament which has sparked that speech by the Prime Minister.   To be honest I had no idea what the word meant until it hit the media and have since been smartened to it, basically a hatered or disklike of women. This boiled over in light of those text messages that Peter Slipper had sent to his staffer. (Which I wont repeat in my blog because I don't want t



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