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Game Abandoned



I recently posted a comment in the thread about “Have you ever been rejected by a WL and that I had recently had a situation where it wasn’t so much a rejection but more a case of a booking having to be abandoned.


My recent trip to Auckland had made a booking and as I always do, I had a shower 20 minutes before she was due to arrive at my hotel room. (I’m not going to name the lady because this wasn’t her fault and I don’t want to throw her under the bus so to speak)


I cut myself while shaving and wasn’t able to stop it from bleeding in time. As she said to me had we proceeded it would’ve ruled out DATY, which basically would’ve also ruled out kissing and sucking her nipples as well. So really it would’ve made for a very clinical and mechanical kind of session and to be completely blunt I’ve had enough of those to last me a lifetime.


As much as I wanted to spend the time with her I was completely honest with her and told I’m sorry but I can’t go half hearted with this sort of thing. She did suggest it was a pimple on my lip that was bleeding and on closer inspection it was where I had had one in the past that I nicked while shaving.


I have to thank her though for not going off at me for being a time waster though. This was something that wasn’t expected. She didn’t even charge me for the call out fee, which wouldn’t have been a big deal for me anyway.


Suffice it to say my pride was a complete write off. The feeling I had after I said goodbye to her was hard to describe, but I felt like I’d been hit by a freight train. I didn’t get cleared to wrestle; I was shattered because I feel we were going to have a phenomenal match.


The other thing about it was in the planning for the punt while I was over there was it was a case of first in best dressed so to speak. I contacted about half a dozen ladies looking for a booking and she was the only one who even gave me the courtesy of a reply.


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I understand and thanks for the insight. All too often stories like this are about how the lady let the guy down or proceeded with the booking but was clinical and it should've been cancelled. This experience of yours is interesting because the guy was the initiator and also the first to cancel.


I've had a few similar experiences and I suggest you give her another shot. If she can behave with such class with a total stranger, I'm confident the sex between you two on the second meet will be pretty good.



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Thanks Saul.


Yes she was all class. Especially with me being a foreigner. If she is still working when I'm next in Auckland I'll reach out to her.


I guess I was in a bit of shock. Having not had thia sort of thing happen to me in over a decade od punting

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Sorry the bad luck mate. Sounds like it was well handled by both of you....which in itself may make for a great return visit?


Thanks for sharing the story!

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Wot? You mean you didn't even get a BJ? Surely the distance from your cut lip to your cock would have made any blood-borne transfer negligible.


Very strange.

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Wot? You mean you didn't even get a BJ? Surely the distance from your cut lip to your cock would have made any blood-borne transfer negligible. Very strange.

Like I said, I can't go half hearted. It's all or nothing

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She behaved with class. I hope you get to see her again, I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time.

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She behaved with class. I hope you get to see her again, I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time.

Indeed she did. I've heard some stories about how some WLs in this kind of a situation would go off like a saturn rocket and one would instantly be on their shit list. I will definatly try her again next time I'm in Auckland

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