Escorts rejoice!
Recently I have come to realise that being an escort is what I love to do. This may sound silly but up until probably 2 or 3 months ago I was forever searching for something more acceptable and inline with "normal" societal values to fulfill me. Whatever normal is! I have been in the industry for over a year now and wow, I LOVE IT! I don't know why it has taken me this long to accept what I do. I am one of those people who usually doesn't care what others think, I mean I am considerate but generally I do my own thing. So why has it taken until now to stand up and be counted as a loving, affectionate escort? Who knows! I guess it's because I come from a conservative home and a good upbringing. I have started telling people in my life what I do and I have to say I don't know why I was so scared! Most people are completely accepting and anyone that has made the mistake to judge me for it. Well are they really worth my time? I don't think so and honestly it is their loss! I guess people in my life can see that I love sex, I love intelligent conversations and I love meeting new people. Plus I love living a lifestyle that I could probably not afford otherwise: new horse, trip to India, Peru, Costa Rica for my birthday this year, having a house in the country ect. So smile ladies because I think what we do is bring happiness to others and that is a beautiful thing! Anyone who says otherwise is obviously judgmental and uneducated on the topic!
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