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Escorts rejoice!

Tara Rhoades


Recently I have come to realise that being an escort is what I love to do. This may sound silly but up until probably 2 or 3 months ago I was forever searching for something more acceptable and inline with "normal" societal values to fulfill me. Whatever normal is! I have been in the industry for over a year now and wow, I LOVE IT! I don't know why it has taken me this long to accept what I do. I am one of those people who usually doesn't care what others think, I mean I am considerate but generally I do my own thing. So why has it taken until now to stand up and be counted as a loving, affectionate escort? Who knows! I guess it's because I come from a conservative home and a good upbringing. I have started telling people in my life what I do and I have to say I don't know why I was so scared! Most people are completely accepting and anyone that has made the mistake to judge me for it. Well are they really worth my time? I don't think so and honestly it is their loss! I guess people in my life can see that I love sex, I love intelligent conversations and I love meeting new people. Plus I love living a lifestyle that I could probably not afford otherwise: new horse, trip to India, Peru, Costa Rica for my birthday this year, having a house in the country ect. So smile ladies because I think what we do is bring happiness to others and that is a beautiful thing! Anyone who says otherwise is obviously judgmental and uneducated on the topic!






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But one of the things you did not mention that has been discussed previously ... when you tell others what you do, what is your job title?

  • Courtesan?
  • Escort?
  • "I date men?"
  • Sex worker?

I expect the choice of words you use to describe yourself, combined with a little bit of positive energy and enthusiasm, goes a long way to getting positive feedback and acceptance from those that are important to you.


So ... without getting to personal, may I ask? And if it is too confidential, I fully understand.


For me, I really enjoy SMART ladies - the brain is a lady's most sexy asset, and I really enjoy the company of smart ladies. Some are business smart, some are book smart, some are artistic smart, it is endless. And Alice ... you sound smart. :)

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Serena Vincente


I totally agree! Especially now that I finished my MA and only work a bit in my day job I have no stress getting in the way of amazing fun.


Last night I had a blast and came no end with this horny dude who I would do over and over again!


Escorting is so hot! Thanks god people have bad ideas about it or there would be too many stealing my pleasure away!


Serena Vincente x

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All of the ladies I've met so far in the private courtesan profession have been more interesting, sexy and intellectual than most women in society's "normal" social circles. It's not just about the sex (which has been fantastic) but the enjoyment that comes from great company.

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Serena Vincente


Some may not believe it but escorting can bring happiness!


Serena Vincente x

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Pleased you found your calling Alice...now about living next door to you!

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When I tell people what I do I usually use the word escort. I believe that I am an escort as I don't believe the job title "sex worker" fully describes my position. For instance on occasion I am hired for platonic dates which I don't believe a sex worker would do. I believe that I would need to tick a few more boxes in order to call myself a courtesan though: have travelled more extensively, play an instrument, be slightly more cultured. I am currently trying to do all of these things in order to climb the ladder in my career choice. Plus lots and lots of practising in the bedroom, which is just TERRIBLE. hahaha.

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Yes being an escort can have many rewards.particularly meeting interesting people and being an interesting person

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