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For Henry1 and others for bit of funny of the day






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It's a good thing that I'm pissed. I laughed like a drain because it was so weird. And I have no idea what it was about it that made you think of me Nada.... let me watch it when I'm sober.

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:lol: this is so funny on so many levels, takes watching cartoons to a new level ;)
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It's a good thing that I'm pissed. I laughed like a drain because it was so weird. And I have no idea what it was about it that made you think of me Nada.... let me watch it when I'm sober.


maybe things like this were meant to be watched when drunk. There's few more episodes if you do google search.

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If only I had the time Nada. Currently trying to understand quantum foam and how you can get a tear in the space-time continuum, not to mention the second order stress tensor and the fourth order stiffness tensor.


Oh Charlie, Charlieeee (in a girly voice). :D

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Now you've got me twisting unnaturally to try and find the kidney removal scar. :(

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