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Pompom's Blog

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blog-0388561001367654402.jpgWell, I have finally gathered the courage and am heading to the land down under. I am actually quite excited and since I have heard so many wonderful things about all the lovely lads out there, I am indeed looking to get to meet as many of you as is deemed decent. ;)


But the age old question is: what to pack? Seriously what does one pack for an epic trip to the land down under?



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At the risk of talking about something crude – Money!


If you have money you will be fine in Oz. Bring other stuff if you want, but with money you can buy what you need.


Our wildlife is amongst the most lethal in the entire World, so the best thing to do is try not worry. We don't worry about it much, and so then you will fit right in here.

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No longer here


you have to bring a construction workers hard hat, standard issue protection against drop bears if you go near eucalyptus trees

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You guys are so helpful. ;) Oh I think I managed to bring what was necessary.

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Some warm clothing as it is Winter here. But if you are from Belfast, you may not find it too cold.

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Oh I am finding the weather quite balmy and warm. I keep looking at people with winter coats on like they are crazy. They keep looking at me walking around in t-shirt and sandals, like I am crazy. I was at the pool today. It was brilliant.

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