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End of Financial Year Tour - how to manage it



I am on a short break from my traditional end of financial year whirlwind tour of everyplace. Between now (22 May) and the end of the financial year I will have 9 days with no travel. And two trips in discussion for early July.


I have already had two dates during my travels, with two more planned. In addition, I have pre-booked (paid deposit) for two more. And two other ladies are definitely in my sights. And two more are on the edge of my sights. These ladies are all Aussie ladies.


So why am I still thinking about getting a date in Abu Dhabi?


It is not like my dates have been bad, far from it - I have been lucky - my dates have been stellar.


And business is down a little, so I do need to watch my budget.


So why am I still thinking about getting a date in Abu Dhabi?


Maybe my next two dates will cure me.


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