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End of Financial Year Tour - how to manage it

I am on a short break from my traditional end of financial year whirlwind tour of everyplace. Between now (22 May) and the end of the financial year I will have 9 days with no travel. And two trips in discussion for early July.   I have already had two dates during my travels, with two more planned. In addition, I have pre-booked (paid deposit) for two more. And two other ladies are definitely in my sights. And two more are on the edge of my sights. These ladies are all Aussie ladies.   So w



Disbanding the Harem

One of the more respected punter members of this forum has whispered in my ear that my harem may not be a good idea, so I have disbanded it.   It was a fun idea while it lasted. Thanks.



I cannot develop a fantasy

I wish I could develop good fantasies. My mind just does not work right to develop them. Mine are often not possible – they often violate the laws of physics (time travel, invisibility, etc.).   And when I do come up with a fantasy that is possible, there is often some other barrier. Like my birthday fantasy, it will not happen for two reasons. First, the lady cannot know about it in advance. Second, there are too many loose ends that will prevent it from happening. But if it ever does ha



A harem double? or a new event? but not both - too difficult

Help me out. Should I try to organise a double with two of my girls? Should I try to organise a double with one of my girls, and the other being an interview to join the harem? Should I try a double interview to join the harem? Should I try a new event (like playing outdoors for example)? I have gone into mental meltdown - can you help me out?   BTW - next interview in mid-March.



The state of the Union ... oops, harem

I just returned from Kuala Lumpur - a city I have decided will NOT have a member in my harem. The city's punting culture does not meet my needs, even though there would be some excellent potential there. Instead, I decided to save my money.   Which brings me back to Melbourne, and a local will be joining my harem. She is already in the harem, but this will be the official announcement.   This will bring the number of Melbourne ladies in the harem to 3. There may be room for one more, or it m



Sometimes a lady wants to join my harem

This is where life is better than a fantasy. I have decided to make this a real life fantasy and see where it goes. And borrowing and paraphrasing a line from "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" it will all be well in the end, and if it is not well, then we have not yet reached the end.   I opened my twitter account to see I had a new follower. Click on it and it is a lovely lady. And she decided to follow me FIRST. Hmm ... click click click and I am at her web page. She is not only a lovely



Preparation for the Interview ... the anticipation builds

Due to illness, one session with an existing harem member had to be delayed, but in a few days, I have another interview for the harem.   She has a very impressive CV, and including her in my harem is an easy choice. But ... how can I convince her that my harem is worthy of her? A lady in a harem has to enjoy being with the sultan, and in this case the sultan is a fat balding middle aged guy with a mortgage.   I have done about as much preparation as I can. The funds are in place. I selec



Job "interview" for the harem

Over the next few days I will be conducting some "interviews" about joining my harem. If the lady agrees, a proper review of the "interview" will be posted in the forums.   One lady will be a re-acquaintance from last year. Very much looking forward to seeing her. Last time I saw her she ... well ... she made me a very happy fellow.   Another lady is one I have never seen before. Hopefully she will be my "harem girl" in another city (not Melbourne), but she will be in Melbourne for the "



Announcing my Harem

I have decided that the best way to enjoy my work is to build a network of ladies that can provide me with a wonderful time in whatever city I am in. I will jokingly refer to this network of ladies as my "harem". Naturally, I do not see my ladies often enough to provide sole support (I wish I was that wealthy that I could keep them to myself), but I still like to think about them.   Because they are in my harem, they know me, and are familiar with me. The familiarity helps ensure I am treat



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