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The Retirement of PARIS the LEGEND



After a recent, well documented and violent incident blogged by Paris there were quite a few of us Punters keen to bring this woman’s confidence in men back. I heard from Cristal that Paris was interested in catching up, so with a quick email we arranged to meet at our usual motel.


We greeted as long lost friends but there was something in her sweet face that shone out to me when I saw her, she was radiating; (now Paris would call that Menopausal flushes) but this was something different.



As normal there was no long drawn out touchy feely but straight into the shower and then it happened. Long kisses, hugging, arms around me tightly, not letting go until the motel shower was going cold,(now that was at least half an hour) no words spoken at all between us and the penny started dropping for me.



This “old duck” is saying goodbye!


I raised this and her ear to ear smile to me confirmed this and I must say I filled with a warm glow of happiness for her.


We retired to the bedroom and even the sex was on a different plane. It was hard to wipe the smile from her dial….this woman was totally in love.


The PARIS persona was about to be retired and ****** (real name) was packing up and leaving the state to start a new life and you know something, I couldn’t have been happier for her.


She says she probably has had over 100,000 encounters since entering the business but only a few are being given the “goodbye” treatment. After the recent encounter she has decided to pull up her panties for good, take her two children and her new man and start a new life in her home state.


We have only been together about 6 times over the years but it feels like we have always known each other. I know there are many other Punters who have felt the same way about the Legend called PARIS.


When I first met her in December 2011 at the Oasis it was only my second newbie punt and in a brothel as well. It was like winning the Gold Ticket in a Wonka Bar, such was this woman’s popularity and booking schedule.

Punters like Old Man, Ruprect, LaCucaracha, Charlie, Brok-her just to name a few, would hold ***** in the highest esteem. Her exploits and her tag teams with Kelly Raines, Cristal Hotbabe, Paige to name just a few, are what has made her a true Legend of the game. She has kept Brothels in the black, just by working there.


Yet she has never spoken badly about any other Working Lady in my presence and has always been a very genuine person who has gone through well documented health problems/divorce/child issues and always come back smiling. Her advice given to those who asked for it was like the wisdom of the great sage.


I could go on and on about the Legend called PARIS.


As ****** stood at the door to leave, she turned and we kissed one last time.


I told her to Fuck Off and I never wanted to see PARIS again. She smiled and said ”Right back at ya”

PARIS might be being shelved but ****** now moves to a new life with a lot of Punters blessings.




You let me post this goodbye, so thank you on behalf of all my brother Punters, just for being you…….



Now fuck off for ever PARIS (with our heart felt good wishes.)


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Returned to Oz to hear this. We met at a drinks night couple of years back, you did say such wicked things to me, but time and events meant we never did carry it through. Good luck with your future, you have obviously touched a lot of people (no pun intended) and will be fondly remembered.

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Well said Clandy


All the best Paris, although I wasn't surprised when I read you were retiring.

I honestly thought you were past it years ago but were too kind to say.

Anyway, be sure to post some pictures of your crocheted tea cosies & doilies and other handicrafts.

The cushions you've done look nice on the parcel shelf of your car.



Seriously though....................all the very best.





or as I am now


(an) Oldman

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