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Cruising with Cruz

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Sydney Gym Antics



I'm the type of girl who loves to run, to move, to sweat.
The gym is a constant source of pleasure for me.
Whether I lift with perfect form or I run without pause, I love the rush.
But today I found a new rush.
Cardio as masturbation.
Before my daily cardio, I typically do my kegels with my geisha balls.
Each day, I slowly slip them inside before I stretch, removing them slowly before I put on my activewear.
Well today I thought, what would happen if I left them in as I ran?

It was slow teasing to start, then tight throbbing, before finally release when I removed them, slower than needed, feeling every curve and edge before a resounding "pop" and my orgasm came to an abrupt holt.

This may be the best part of the gym now.

2018-11-04 (1).jpg

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That sounds like a great cardio session. It would be interesting to try doing  yoga, Pilates or tennis with them in also. 

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