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Oldandbald's 2009 Back Catalogue

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Spoilers – 22/01/2009 – Heidi



Spoilers – 22/01/2009 – Heidi

Review by oldandbald


Had a little time to spare so decided to treat myself. I am not really a regular here - haven't been for the last 6 months. They seemed to have a lot of ladies on, in the introduction were Mischa, Monique, Mikayla, Heidi and two others whose names I forget. Chose Heidi for 45 minutes. The description of her on the Spoilers website is reasonably accurate: Late 20's, collar length blonde hair, 5'9", size 10 DD. Overall very pleasing to the eye (or at least my eye, tastes may differ) Paid the money to the house and off to the room.


On some of my previous visits here, once we in the room the lady gave a list of extras and prices before the massage started. Heidi did not (and I did not ask) so I went with the flow and thought maybe later ...


Face down and she started the massage. It was soft and sensual, hands, then forearms and caressing with fingertips. If you want a firm massage you will need to tell her. (From my point of view, if I want a "proper" massage, I will go to a real massage place where I can get a health fund rebate!!)


Then at the turnover she asks "Do you usually have anything extra here?"


Me: "Usually a bodyslide"


Her: "I can do that for $30"


Me: "Right let's go"


There is something about the feeling of a pair of DDs being rubbed on my chest, stomach, legs etc that really defies description. After a while of this there is a little bit of Spanish, then she dismounts so I think that is the end of the bodyslide. WRONG!! She proceeds to the head of the table, climbs on and begins a reverse body slide, offering a beautiful view of (I think you can guess). In this position she did the business on the old fella until a satisfactory completion. Won't go into much more detail other than to say that the experience exceeded expectations and that I would pay a return visit.


The cost:


House: $110

Heidi: $50 (she only asked for $30, But she went above and beyond the call of duty)


As others have noted on this Forum, you need to watch the extras here closely as they can rapidly build up to silly levels.


And of course the disclaimer: YMMV


Here I used the dreaded "Won't go into much more detail..." Sorry about that. But during the reverse bodyslide, Heidi settled in for some DATY. Heidi was good fun, but I never caught up with her again.


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