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Henry1's 2009 Reviews

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CBD Doubles, Chatswood - XX/04/09 - Amy, Kitty, Eliza



CBD Doubles is no more these days, but seems to have been substituted by Tokyo Cats which has a very similar Modus Operandus.


No I didn't do a triple


Responded to a DT ad


Exotic Japanese Lesbian Doubles


0449 290 887


This is a 'call for appointment' place where you get the address after you've made a booking. It was only after I saw Amy there the first time that I realised that this is CBD Doubles. They have a few places and the girls seem to circulate between sites. There is a CBD Doubles at St Leonards thread on here, but my suspicion is that this has been replaced by Chatswood. They seem at the moment to be advertising here as well as Maroubra (0432 796 186 or 0416 797 605 according to their latest website http://www.cbddoubles.com/) and City (0406 811 850 or 0449 098 228).


Things seem to change quite quickly with this place and it's quite hard to keep up. I think that they've already moved from where I saw Amy in Chatswood, but both places are close to the railway station.


Their website claims that all girls are Japanese, but this is just a marketing ploy (read lies). Amy claimed she was I think, but the other two girls I've seen there (on separate occasions) were Kitty who was Chinese and Eliza who was Korean.


I went for the half hour $100 session each time. Nothing really stood out for any of these, except possibly Amy was the best. Straight into DFK followed by a BBBJ, DATY and sex in a variety of positions usually ending up in mish for me. Really quite good consistent service from all three and kissing, DATY and BBBJ seems to be the norm (no extras even hinted at).



FS $100/30 min, $130/45 min, $160/60 min

Massage $80/30 min, $120/45 min, $160/60 min (why would you bother)

Doubles FS $210/30 min, $250/45 min, $290/60 min


Great value for money. Given the doubles prices I may break my doubles virginity soon.


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