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Henry1's 2009 Reviews

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No. 1 Blackburn Street - XX/07/09 - Yvonne



Rocked up just after lunch. A face pokes round the door and says "receptionist not here yet, come back half an hour". Bumped into the mamasan as I was walking away and she let me in. The girl who poked her head round the door was called Joy and was already taken by a guy who must be a regular who was already inside. Yvonne turned up after about 10 minutes.


This place opens at 1pm and is open until 4am, but most girls don't arrive until after 3pm, so don't make my mistake and mistake it was.


Yvonne was Malaysian Chinese, small with A cups, and really not a very pretty face at all. I should have walked but I'd made the effort to try this place. I booked for half an hour $115 (daytime special).


Tried all sorts of things to try and connect, including talking to her in her native language, but it was like a brick wall. She did shower with me to start which was nice, but she was going through the motions. Didn't kiss, DATY wasn't refused but she made it clear she was 'sensitive' so it didn't last long. BJ was quite pleasant but pretty average. I decided to stop wasting my time so it was into mish with a doggie finish. Wouldn't see her again.


I must have been out of the door in 20 minutes including 2 showers.


I will return here hopefully, now that I know to avoid opening time.


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