Once upon a time, in the land of Fornication, this fair maiden didn’t have a clue what an internet escort review even was. My first contact with review sites was by ambush. I was booked by a strange client at the parlour, who told me he had read about me ‘on the net’. What a wake up call THAT was!
This was perhaps the one negative thing about my review experience. I would have appreciated at least being given a heads up regarding the possibility of a review being published. Even if it happened at the end of the booking, when I couldn't have been unduly influenced, I still would have been forewarned.
I firmly believe that I have a right to privacy. Whilst it is true that I now willingly use my face in my photo advertising, Canberra is a small city. This review included a full description, plus the studio where I worked. Back then before the desensitisation kicked in, it was the most exposing experience of my life.
People build up an image in their heads of who I am in real life. I know this because of the sheer volume of people who initially booked me ‘just to see what I’m really like’. Um…. normal? Human? Mortal? It’s like telling kids there really isn’t a Santa Claus, after all. Sometimes, even just opening the door is the ultimate act of killjoy. Maybe I should invest in a Xena – Princess Warrior costume!
Then again, reviews have served me well in other aspects. After having made a few enemies along my journey to existential nirvana, I now have to deal with mythology being peddaled as fact. For instance, even though some people have never even met me, they talk about me in the vein of ‘that ugly old wog’.
Now, I’m no supermodel but I’m far from ugly. I’m very attractive, in my 30s, speak multiple languages & & have a dual undergraduate degree. I have an exotic ethnic background, based in the former Soviet Bloc. I worked in the public service for nearly 10 years, & have travelled extensively across 3 continents. I have a keen knowledge of art, literature & music.
However, you wouldn’t know this is you were to speak to some of the crackpots who inhabit some of these review sites. Because I have defended myself (& colleagues) in online skirmishes & come up trumps, they have sought to discredit me by every means possible, even though they wouldn’t know me if they passed me on the street. As we know, the cyber world encourages certain pathologies to flourish…
Reviews have saved me in the midst of these would-be character assassins. My reviews (nearly 50 across 4 sites) are all 4 plus stars, spanning 3 years, & demonstrate a consistently high stanrad of service that has a broad spectrum appeal. These reviews debunk the crackpots. They support my assertion of quality, & my argument that my detractors have far more personal barrows to push.
There are arguments to support both sides of the debate. However, my support lies with reviews as a tool of trade & validation of service. Most of all, my gratitude is soley with the clients who felt passionate enough about me & my service to post them.
After the unjust & discriminatory caning I’ve received from certain sectors, reviews are the ultimate form of flattery. As long as all due respect for my dignity & feelings are demonstrated, reviews will always be gratefully received by this little black duck.
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