I do a double with the most physically gorgeous blonde 22yo guy. He's wonderfully affable in that puppy way, but he & I have had very long conversations about his boundaries. Anything remotely 'gay' has been shot down in flames... Yet he is one of the most sensual, erotic lovers you could ever encounter. It's all deja vu for me, as I've worked with other young guys who were terrified of being slapped with the fag stick.
This is why young wogboys go brothel-hopping in packs. In a crude g
Not that long ago, I had a protracted war of words with a delightful young American college student with the fun, funky name of Freeman Dyson. My new friend Freeman simply refused to accept that I'm a happy hooker. He loved "Sin City" when he saw it at the movies, & he just can't accept the world could be any other way.
After my cutting reply, I assumed that young Freeman would drift off & find a new distraction, like a nice beach volleyball tournament or Mentos Ad audition.
I recently read a blog entry by a very winsome young WL, who was bemoaning the tendency of many celebrities to become overnight wankers when they find fame & success. Having a vested interest in this subject, I feel compelled to reply:
I'm friendly with a 'minor' (never in my eyes!), very grumpy Australian music celebrity, who has since introduced me to some more widely-known musicians. Having moved in circles with writers & artists for most of my adult life, I can honestly say that
I recently discovered one of the most dreadful post-relationship apocalypse tales online. I've pasted it here in it's entirety, including the URL for anyone interested. Even though I disagree mightily with this author's worldview in his other posts, I love his style - straightforward & punchy; yet still evocative, bordering on the nostalgic.
I won't laden it down any further with the unnecessary, only to say this...
Be prepared.
"The One That Got Away"
February 6, 2012 by Bei
It has been said that a moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers. Well, recently I had my own epiphany. Many believe that there are two types of people – the haves & the have-nots. I have my own version of this phenomenon: Teflon-coated people & shit magnets.
We all know Teflon-coated people. They are so-named because shit never sticks to them. They make pretentious statements like "You make your own luck". They are the ones who score the perfect job, never make bad financi
It saddens me when complete strangers & ignorant people feel entitled to judge me, based purely on my chosen occupation. There's an inherent assumption that since I've chosen to be a prostitute - rather than being clubbed, dragged onto a boat & chained to the bed as a sex slave - I must have something wrong with me.
Oh, what a can of worms that could prove to be! Ex partners, former friends, bitter ex colleagues, my sad hag neighbour & even ActewAGL could all line up to shock yo
I was recently asked that favorite old chestnut, "What makes a good worker?"
Well, after some rumination over a Corona (ole!), I've deduced that a good sex worker is someone who enjoys meeting new people, varied sexual experiences & workplace flexibility. A GREAT sex worker is an expert in the art of giving him/heself to every client. They are adept at becoming the the ultimate chameleon, a receptor for every client's dreams, fantasies, desires, fears & insecurities.
There are t
WARNING! The following post is bound to get a few hackles up, which I both acknowledge & empathize with in advance.
I would like to drive it home that this is purely a physical attraction element for me. It's thankfully a very rare occurrence that can render sex a moot point. However, I feel compelled to stop a potential train wreck before we even leave the station. Thus, I consider it almost a duty of care to refuse a booking if I don't think it will work out.
It has nothing to do
Once upon a time, in the land of Fornication, this fair maiden didn’t have a clue what an internet escort review even was. My first contact with review sites was by ambush. I was booked by a strange client at the parlour, who told me he had read about me ‘on the net’. What a wake up call THAT was!
This was perhaps the one negative thing about my review experience. I would have appreciated at least being given a heads up regarding the possibility of a review being published. Even if it happe
I feel that with a couple of glaring exceptions – all of which have paved the way to making disastrous decisions, anyway – work sex is enormously more enjoyable than private life sex. During my working hours, I get to play characters, be anyone other than me, give people the secrets to their desires, & play overall love goddess.
For a window in time, I am the focus of someone else's carnivorous attention, & that excites me no end. We have no concerns other than erotic joy. The addic
A few years ago, my cub-of-the-moment & I had parted ways during one of our numerous tiffs/spats/bloodletting rituals. He had picked up his bucket & spade & stomped off into the sunset, leaving me desperate & dateless for the first time in years... & so it came to pass that I became - albeit briefly! - embroiled in the internet dating scene.
At first, preliminary investigations proved to be huge relief to me. Finally, people more deranged than I am! Of course, there were
My name is Roxanne, & I'm a HEARTBREAKER. I'm addicted to hunting & seducing every sweet thing that stumbles into my line of vision. The thrill is in the chase, & countless safaris spent hunting on sexual savannah have made me an expert marksman.
Throughout the journey that's been my sexual enlightenment, I've prescribed to logic that believes there are plenty more fish in the sea. However, my trait of relentlessly casting my net lands me in trouble time and time again. The beaut
Some people have no clue as to what behaviour is expected of them when they come to a parlour. I've made the job easier & hope this corrects any misconceptions people may have about what is ok under the red light.
1. Don't feel entitled to grope or ask for a flash of whatever - it simply paints you as a rude pig;
2. Don't feel obliged to comment on a girl's assets or lack thereof - it DOESN'T win friends or influence ppl;
3. Don't try to haggle over price - you are not in Bali
The porn addict is a hooker's worst nightmare. They have been inundated with unrealistic images of women, & tend to be hypercritical when women in real life don't 'measure up' to the manufactured & often enhanced porn illusion. Porn addicts also have twisted beliefs about women's behaviour & motives, thanks to industry brainwashing.
These are the guys who think that most women actually like being called every filthy name under the sun during the sex act, in addition to having th
Despite the inevitable tears & tantrums this entry is going to cause - start clutching those lacy hankies! - this event is of MAJOR importance to my industry, & the Canberra scene in general.
Once upon a time, a young girl (Janine Cameron, 17) died of a heroin overdose in a Canberra brothel. To be more specific, she died in a brothel that I have actually worked in on/off for some time. Ever since, there has been an absolute furore over drugs, the sex industry, proof of age, the age o
It all started out so innocently. He & I meant very little to each other, outside of being occasional lovers. He was nearly twelve years my junior, & hadn't yet had his eyes opened to the ways of the world. I have lived a lifetime away. The question of him being a serious contender in my life was laughable. I merely enjoyed his charisma, his big wogboy eyes, his shy smile & his considerable carnal talents.
He epitomised everything I love about the young pup - a willingness to exp
It has become apparent to me over time that there is a distinct class of client gracing my doorstep. They are married... but celibate. This poor, downtrodden genus initially bought into the whole marriage contract hook, line & sinker. A deal that guarantees housekeeping, rugrat rearing & sex on tap? Woohoo!! Unfortunately though, some ‘business partners’ (read wives) choose to renege on certain ends of the bargain.
Alas, woe be the struggling, sexless suburbanite husbands. You know
WARNING: If you’re an ex-lover or prospective one… don’t read any further. This will just traumatise you.
It’s a little-known fact that many people in my profession (those any good at it, anyway) end up surrounded by groupies. Such groupies are invariably young boys (25 & under) who like to bask in the notoriety of fucking a sex worker. For them it is the closest thing to fucking a porn star, other than shagging a stripper. It is also held under the esteem of ‘exploring’ their sexual ho
A few years ago, I had the dubious honour of living next door to a perfectionist. Someone so damn chaste, boring & so totally without sin that I wanted to throw up whenever I heard her name. Let me acquaint you with Patricia – my non-smoking, non-drinking, no life former neighbour.
Patricia would be in her mid 30s, has an attractive figure, & a laboratory job that appears to be the lynchpin of her life. I suspect that she is a born-again Christian – no one else could stand the banal
Those in the know will recall there have been several occasions when I've severed ties with a certain duplicitous ex. Usually, some poor unsuspecting 'nice girl' has suffered through his deception - girls who are naive, chaste & sickeningly 'nice'.
A hardcore bad girl like me instinctively holds contempt for those too nice to fire back. Instead of telling me where to go & how to get there, the nice girls crumpled into a sobbing heap on the end of the telephone. It makes me wonder if
Before I start, let me first say...
I never wanted it to end this way.
Fuck you, Godaddy.
You know, here I was, trying to turn over a new leaf and all. I was doing a John Lennon, & giving peace a chance! I had sworn off indulging in disputes, causing a fracas, or the unnecessary brewing of storms in teacups - really, truly, I was! Then GODADDY - the Stalin of all online domain communism - decided the party was over, & everybody had to get out of the pool.
What is the point of my laboured postulations?
Consider my motivation to be one of urgent revelation. Only through its publication will my brave & intrepid congregation conceive the the spiritual degradation sex workers endure. Our detractors rely on participation in our misunderstood occupation as the sole justification for their abuse. I hope that my honest narration will bring some much needed consolation, as there are so many more affected by such social demonization tha
The new gimmick on the escorting block seems to be 'limited availability' courtesans. I find the whole concept of this marketing angle quite curious. It appeals to the contingent who believe that the less a woman's pussy is used, the more valuable it becomes.
This worries me a little given that I've seduced and been seduced by half the planet. Here I was, chalking it up to 'life experience'! I personally believe that if a WL is any good, it shouldn't matter where either of you has been or is
When I worked in a parlour, I was regularly tipped. The amount would vary, but a general median was the $50 mark. The most I have ever received as a tip has been $200, but I personally know 2 girls who have received a $1000 tip each, whilst on escort. As a privately-practicing professional, I occasionally receive a tip when the client is particularly enamored of me. Again, $50 is the usual amount.
I must hasten to add that I
I love chain mail. These emails give me the chance to release that 'dark, tortured soul' I'm renowned for having.
Finish The Sentence Survey:
1. My ex... will one day appear on Foxtel's "Cheaters" ... Or "Cops"... Hopefully, both will occur concurrently, with their respective film crews high fiving each other in the background.
Now THAT'S reality TV worth watching!
2. Maybe I should... start doing what the voices in my head tell