I was recently asked that favorite old chestnut, "What makes a good worker?"
Well, after some rumination over a Corona (ole!), I've deduced that a good sex worker is someone who enjoys meeting new people, varied sexual experiences & workplace flexibility. A GREAT sex worker is an expert in the art of giving him/heself to every client. They are adept at becoming the the ultimate chameleon, a receptor for every client's dreams, fantasies, desires, fears & insecurities.
There are two things that have the potential to kill off many potentailly-awesome sex workers. It's one thing to be a talented at the mechanics of sex work. However, true intimacy is more complex than that. True intimacy is more than physiology & sharing 'personal space'. It's about giving & recieiving in a way that makes all concerned feel that they have connected with another human being.
Also, the ability to handle the social impacts of this job is what separates the wheat from the chaff when it comes to longevity. From a psychological perspective, I consider it akin to compartmentalisation - my work is but one element of the entity that is MOI.
However, it's an uphill batlle trying to change the opinions of other, less enlightened individuals. A girl I once worked with was a true natural at this job. She was very young, but gorgeous & unassuming (a rare combination). Sugary sweet, a fiery femme fatale, & a sympathetic ear... the girl had all these qualities in spades.
Alas, she came from well-to-do background & eventually gave up the biz when her cover was blown. Why? Because apparently being a prostitute is not a desirable profession. Another loss for our industry, based on age-old prejudice & a society's inherent fear of sexuality.
Perhaps if more people gave this industry the respect it deserves, a more consistent quality would prevail. Charlatans would feel less free to ride roughshod across our landscape, knowing they could be made accountable for their crappy service & attitude. There ARE quality ladies out there - I would like to think of myself as one, & I can name several with complete confidence.
However, this is the most unregulated regulated industry I have ever worked in. How do you engage a benchmark standard of practice in a realm dictated by fantasy?
What is one man's elixir is another man's poison. This is why one lady may captivate one client, yet alienate another. We all desire different things in a person. That's what makes us so indulgently unique. It allows ladies of every shape, colour, creed & persuasion to set up shop, knowing that there will be somebody for their own little niche.
It's a tough gig, but somebody's gotta do it. Some do it better than others - like most things, really.
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