Before I start, let me first say...
I never wanted it to end this way.
Fuck you, Godaddy.
You know, here I was, trying to turn over a new leaf and all. I was doing a John Lennon, & giving peace a chance! I had sworn off indulging in disputes, causing a fracas, or the unnecessary brewing of storms in teacups - really, truly, I was! Then GODADDY - the Stalin of all online domain communism - decided the party was over, & everybody had to get out of the pool.
This story began 3 years ago, when I was too tight & too ignorant to follow the light, pay a bit extra & choose a solid, reputable domain provider. Instead, I was headstrong, full of myself... & utterly stupid. I chose a flimpsy copout in Godaddy, simply because they were as cheap as a flagon, & appeared to have the least amount of purchasing hoops to jump (or stagger) through.
Admittedly, if I had have done my research, I would have known that Godaddy have the worst reputation for sales & service. But, hey! I was a naive newbie to the world of online escort marketing. I figured that anything was worth a go, not fully realizing just how BIG my site would become... & how people would end up actually STEALING it off me!!!
Strange, but true...
During a time in life earlier this year, when the sun was shining & the birds were singing, I loosened my clutch on all things online. As a result, I missed the renewal link email sent by Godaddy to renew my URL. In hindsight, that was the most fateful slip imaginable. For not only had I lost my original purchase emails forf my domain (foxxxy-roxxxy.com), I also had no customer number or PIN.
"Shouldn't your email suffice?", I hear you ask.
Apparently not.
10 fucking phone calls later to an endless supply of vague, blonde-sounding teenagers who man the helpdesk in Tucson, Arizona, & I was starting to go a bit postal. No doubt they're workshopping the event as I write here now - secluded from the world in a rainy Oregon wilderness retreat, funded by Godaddy for training new recruits in dealing with Aggrrieved, Aggressive & Downright PISSED OFF Customer Control...
I suspect having to dance around the timedelay aided & abetted my bad mood, along with the fact that I was forced to hear my precious prepaid mobile credit get sucked up by the nanosecond when I was placed on hold AGAIN (& forced to relive Whitney Houston's 'Greatest Hits'. I mean, really... were they that great?) while the said teenagers were trying to find that mystical supervisor - you know, somebody who actually knows what they are doing???
I refuse to believe I was that useless at that age. IT'S NOT POSSIBLE! Darwinian theory of evolution states that I would've been snuffed out through my own stupidity by now!
Anyhoo, I digress...
After being transferred, redirected, sold up the river & palmed off enough times to remind me again of how it feels to be American, Godaddy's response to the black duck who wouldn't go away was to simply HANG UP. No, I'm not making this up! Only Tiger Airways could compete for a more ruthless & effective way of having to deal with customers in crisis (in the case of Tiger, they simply pretend your flight never was... thus, making the Tiger counter into an aviation Twilight Zone).
Understandably, my confidence in Godaddy to solve my dilemma died that day. I took my dramas to an audience who at least knows me as person, & not just as a faceless account number (ie., a regular client who works in I.T), & was in the throes of attempting some form of external purchase when the unbelievable happened....
Seriously guys, this has rained on my parade in a big way. What's a girl to do? Buy another domain & sacrifice the 100K hits my old URL received (& still receives, judging by the speed with which my URL was sold)? Or do I try to fight the good fight for my old domain?
What should I do now???
FUCK YOU, Godaddy...
PS. My site is being temporarily hosted here, until a new solution can be found!
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