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megdadūta(cloud messenger) by kalidāsa



Evernote 20120226 01:02:07.wavIs about Yaksha (demi-god who serves deity) who gets separated from his beloved and sends a message to her using a cloud(megha).

It is written erotically to her lover, describing the landscape of Bhārata in form of a woman. It is written in a culture of sanāta dharma , but it is mostly

literary work. .. and very beautiful.


कश्चित् indefinite = certain


कान्ता f.- beloved< samāsa


विरह m.- departed, abandonment, separation, lack


गुरुणा 3/1m= heavy , serious />= serious because of separation of beloved


स्व m- one's own <smāsa


अधिकारात् 5/1m from authority, relation, office, privilage


प्रमत्तः1/1m ppp. +@mad= abandoned , negligent />= negligent of one's own duty




शापेन 3/1m= by/with curse = because of a curse


अस्तम् 2/1 setting, dissappearance <samāsa


गमित -ppp. caus. @gam -destroyed


महिमा 1/1m great power />= whose power was caused to come to an end.


वर्षभोग्येण 3/1 (lit. rain)to be endured for a year


भर्तुः 6/1 m.= kubera= master's




यक्शः 1/1m the Yaksha


चक्रे iii/1@kṛ perfect = made


जनकतनया f- samāsa <daughter of Janaka/>gen.tatpuruṣa= Sītā <samāsa


स्नान n-bathing


पुण्य m-holy, sacred,pure


उदकेषु 6/3 n water />BahuV= whose waters were (made) pure by bathing of Sītā




स्निग्ध =dense <samāsa


शाया f. - shade


तरुषु 7/3 m in /at the trees /> gen.BahuV= whose shady trees were dense OR whose Nameru trees were dense


वसतिं 2/1f. dwelling


रामगिरि rāma's mountain = mountains in Bundlehand and in Nagpore now called Ramtek<samāsa


आश्रमेषु f.7/3 in hermitages>gen.tat.= hermitages of Ramagiri mountains Evernote 20120226 01:02:07.wav






A certain Yaksha negligent of his duty,


whose power was caused to come to an end because of (his) master's curse to be endured for a year - (Which was ) serious because of separation (from his) beloved ,


made a dwelling in hermitages on Rāmagiri (where) shady trees were dense , (and) waters were (made) pure by the bathing of Sītā .








A certain Yaksha , who has grossly swerved from his duty and was (therefore ) deprived of his greatness(superhuman power) by his lord's curse to be suffered for a year and unbearable owing (as it led ) to separation from his beloved wife, took up his abode among the hermitages on Rāmagiri which had a thick growth of Nameru (or, shady) trees about them, and the waters where in were rendered holy by the abulations of Janaka's daughter (Sītā).


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