TroppoTockley Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 Greetings once again my fellow punters.As you may or may not know my last review recalled the events of an overnighter that didn't exactly turn out to be the best of nights. In fact there were quite a few hiccups.Well I'm very very VERY happy to tell you that this review will be quite the opposite. POLAR opposites you might say.Now it's not an overnighter although I seriously hope that will be happening in the near future. This review, my fine followers of feminine fantasy, is about the one and ONLY Christine "Her Majesty" McQueen.I am extremely happy to relay the fact that I have had not one, not two but SEVEN rendezvous' with Christine in the space of about ( I think ) two years. Yes that's right guys. I have seen this beautiful, vivacious and thoroughly entertaining woman seven times and each time was better than the last. If I was to throw a hearty ( God forbid ) while spending my last few hours with The Queen I would die a very happy man. Although I'm not sure that Christine would appreciate that *l*.The first time I saw Christine was purely by accident. A glorious accident. While perusing through a few escort sites I saw Christine's picture pop up in the margin and thankfully the human eye is equipped with peripheral vision. Some of you may know the picture I refer to. Christine is wearing her red and black PVC cat suit and I immediately fell in lust. C'mon guys who of us hasn't?From there I did a few more searches and eventually found her Majesty on the Privategirls website. I was hooked.Now I'm not going to tell you guys about each and every time I have spent carnal pleasures with Christine. Because if a did you guys would be critically short on body fluids and I would wear my typing fingers down to the third knuckle.My first rendezvous with Christine occurred in Sydney in 2014. If I remember rightly it was during my Long Service Leave and it was one of the high lights of that trip. By chance I had chosen to stay at a hotel that turned out to be but a minute walk from Christine's incall apartment. For Christine's safety I won't be naming that hotel but needless to say I will be staying there again next year.Now I nearly made a complete hash of the first meeting as I walked straight past the apartment. It took a quick call to the delightful Heidi ( whom, might I add, has been instrumental in making each and every meeting a reality) and I eventually found the Gates to Heaven. ( Sorry St Peter).Waiting for Christine was, without doubt, one of the most nerve wracking times of my life. What if she didn't like me? What if she was a tad psycho? What if she wasn't like her pictures? Well ALL of those doubts were allayed immediately the moment Christine walked out the front doors and opened the gate. She was a vision of beauty in a long black coat ( it being Autumn/Winter in Sydney).I introduced myself and straight away Christine planted those soft, luscious lips of hers on mine. Was I immediately smitten? Ahem, FUCK OATH I was!!!.We hugged a moment longer then her Majesty guided me to her Pleasure Palace. Once inside she shed her coat and I nearly fell over. Here's why.Now those of you who know me know I love women who wear the shiny things. Leather, latex, PVC etc get my blood pumping to all the right areas. While making arrangements with Heidi I mentioned my love of the aforementioned items and she passed this onto Christine. Christine in turn, seemed to have read my mind and this is what she wore for our first meeting.That's right guys, a leather bustier with latex stockings and PVC gloves. I was convinced I'd been hit crossing the road, had died and gone to heaven.Now I won't be relaying everything that happened here because it will take just too long and even the most ardent reader will get bored. Suffice to say Christine made me feel right at home. She offered me a drink and we chatted for a bit. While some escorts "chat" to kill time, Christine is actually interested in her client's life. My nervousness disappeared and quite soon our chat had given way to more hedonistic treasures.I love undressing a woman and Christine had no problem with this. I started with her panties, at which time I asked if I could take a few pics for my personal pleasure ( these photos have since become known to Christine and myself as the McQueen Wank Bank ). Here's another.Suffice to say, Christine is not camera shy ( uh duh I hear you say), and soon I was clicking away and capturing The Queen from many angles. Of course by now Junior was straining to be released and Christine did the honours by unzipping my pants and pulling him out. Now as I have said before, I'm nowhere near pornstar proportions, but Christine proceeded to devour Junior. The feel of Christine's lips and throat wrapped tightly around my cock was absolutely mind blowing and it wasn't long before I had to beg her to stop and let me return the favour.Christine's has one very sweet tasting pussy. It's obvious she looks after herself and is very in tune with her sense of self. Not to mention that she loves having a tongue slid into her sweet little rosebud, a pleasure I did not deny her or myself.Of course things began to take a step forward and we headed to the bedroom where she proceeded to make the rest of our time together ( which included me giving her a massage ) so pleasurable that afterwards returning to the hotel seemed like the longest journey I'd ever taken.Since then I have seen Christine again ( obviously ). The next time was in my home town of Darwin on what was her only Darwin tour. Unfortunately Darwin's clientele really isn't big enough for Christine to make more than possibly one trip a year so I was glad that I was able to rendezvous with her again. Again this was only a two hour visit but, yet again, it was two hours spent in Nirvana. And this time I brought along a Penthouse that featured Christine which she as more than happy to sign for me and we chatted about her time with Penthouse under the old management. PS: Christine is on the cover for the upcoming December issue of Penthouse.The third heavenly experience happened again in Sydney. Not at Christine's incall but at one of Sydney's classiest hotels situated near Hyde Park. It took me about 20 minutes to walk there from my hotel which gave my nerves ( yes I still get nervous every time I see my Queen) time to settle down. That was, of course, until I was yet again standing face to face with her. The hotel is something of a rabbit warren so Christine met me in the foyer.Once again I felt the pleasure of those lips on mine. Not a quick peck but a lingering smooch that once again increased my blood pressure. Christine was once again wearing her long coat so I was left guessing what she had in store for me. Well once we were back in her room the coat came off and my jaw damn near shattered on the floor. Here's why.Now before this rendezvous Christine had had a little bit of work done on her breasts that took them from gorgeous to absolutely fucking magnificent. As you can see from this photo Christine is still as beautiful as the first time I saw her. And again she had catered for my leather fetish in a big way. Even before she was able to take anything off I had dived in and started kissing that leather encased pussy. The smell of leather drives me nuts.Christine then proceeded to perform a little strip tease for me. Now I've been to many a strip club in my time, but those were nothing compared to this and yes I know strippers don't end up fucking the customer, most of the time, and by the time her majesty had finished I was ready to throw her on the bed and bury my head between her legs for the full five hours. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'd decided to increase the time spent with this siren because it had because quite obvious that two hours is just NOT enough.However, before we began the festivities, I pulled out a bag of goodies. I had been gifting Christine with little things for a while including lingerie and toys that wouldn't be under the Xmas tree. At least not one with kids in the house. On this occasion I had bought The Queen a couple of hand blown glass toys from the Icicles range. One was a dildo with ridges wrapped around the shaft and a butt plug. Yes my friends, I had decided that it was high time to indulge in some long awaited anal play. I had been waiting to experience Christine's "rear entry" for a while and I would not be disappointed.But first Christine wanted to play with her new toys and with a little help from yours truly, began fucking herself with the dildo then proceeded to ever so slowly slide the butt plug into her arse. I should note that while the dildo did come with a vibrating attachment we were too excited to bother using it. Hopefully next time.(Too hot for public display! Click below to see) Now you can see why I just had to up the time to five hours. I'm hoping soon to indulge in an overnighter. One that will be memorable for all the right reasons.Eventually the toys were replaced with the real deal and my cock, tongue and fingers spent the next hour or so plunging into all of Christine's points of perfection. The best of all of finally feeling Junior sliding into Christine's tight arse, her muscles clenching down on Junior who enjoyed every single second until the inevitable happened and I burst, unleashing my taddies into the dom that The Queen had so lovingly applied before hand. Yes guys, forgive the oversight. Christine is very much a pro-raincoat lady and practices safe sex. Apart from her world famous BBBJ of course. But fear not even being my size I did not feel the dom. Just the warmth and sensuous friction that is Christine's gorgeous pussy and arsehole.Now here's where the rendezvous got even better. Having pretty much spent yourselves, my Queen asks me if I wanted something to eat. I'm thinking that means something from the bar fridge. Oh hell no. Christine proceeds to offer me the room service menu and tells me to order whatever I want. Oh my god can this day get better. Well yes it did. Because while we were waiting for the room service Christine decided to put on a show using some of the lingerie and costumes I had bought her.* Look at the back gents. Christine is no stranger to the gym *And not only that but once again Christine brings out the dildo and starts to play with herself. How could a guy ask for more!!!(Too hot for public display! Click below to see) The room service eventually arrived and Christine answered the door.... in just her leather pants and coat.I'm sure the hotel staffer enjoyed that. We ate our food and chatted with Christine being "mum", making sure I had enough to eat before once again diving on the bed and indulging in another round of Carnal Carnival. You just won't be seeing this ride at any Easter Show. My favourite position on that day was when Christine rode me cowgirl. The sensation of her grinding on my cock as she mashed her boobs into my face was.... was.... oh great I'm running out of words here guys. It was like two of the softest pillows with the silkiest pillow covers pummelling my face. OH BLISS!!!By the end of our rendezvous I was so spent I was seriously wondering if I had the energy to walk back to my hotel and as luck would have it, it had started to rain. However, before I could even contemplate ringing a taxi The Queen startled me with an offer to drive me back to my hotel. Not by one of her assistants but by her personally. I could not believe what I'd heard and could only say that this was only ANOTHER reason why Christine is my Queen.After Christine had dropped me off I slowly made my way to my room where I fell on the bed exhausted but smiling like a complete idiot. The images of Christine ran through my mind and I still had the taste of her on my lips. I only wish there was some way for the human body to recall taste and smell as well as images.Ok I'm going to take a break here as my fingers are getting a bit numb and other regions are getting somewhat uncomfortable. I will post the rest of my rendezvous with her Majesty soon, and hopefully will make that post as enjoyable as this one.Stay tuned dear punters. 17 Link to comment
Brok-her Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 TroppoTockley, What can I say after reading that great review of your time/s spent with Her Majesty, absolutley a great read, and of course, the pics helped the story quite well too. Brings back so many similiar memories, and I must say, very sweet menories. Congratulations to you and to Christine, they don't come much better that I'm aware of. B B Link to comment
Daniel789 Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 Wow looks like a few weeks work there TT. I can see a few different rooms and a few different nails, when did Christine have time in your booking to do her nails? Glad to hear you had such a great time. Link to comment
youme Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 I did not read a thing ***so many hot photos*** Link to comment
wombat2470 Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 TT you should consider writing a book or three, you would give the 50 shades author a run for her money. Great review, look forward to part 2. Link to comment
Monsta Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 Thanks for the review Troppo and what a review it was.... Link to comment
La Cucaracha Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 However, before I could even contemplate ringing a taxi The Queen startled me with an offer to drive me back to my hotel. Not by one of her assistants but by her personally. Christine can be extremely generous like that. Link to comment
JockStrap Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 That's the best advertisement sorry meant review for the Queen I have ever read. Well done you lucky bastard. Had one session with the Queen many years ago and glad I did. Link to comment
toga Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 I did not read a thing ***so many hot photos*** + 10 I will read it ..... eventually. Link to comment
gnomking Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 It took a quick call to the delightful Heidi ( whom, might I add, has been instrumental in making each and every meeting a reality) and I eventually found the Gates to Heaven. ( Sorry St Peter). Yes , Heidi is most delightful to deal with Don't you mean the "Pearly Gates' of St Christine Thanks for the photo's Link to comment
Vin Wall Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 Great review. CMQ excels consistently. Link to comment
Ricochet Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 This is possibly the best review I have read in the entire history of punter planet - well done Link to comment
SimplySimone Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 Fabulous review! Christine is a lovely person, isn't she Link to comment
The Saints Posted 10 October, 2015 Share Posted 10 October, 2015 Fantastic review. I have seen Christine a couple of times and will be seeing her again soon I hope. Awesome. Link to comment
tttimbo Posted 11 October, 2015 Share Posted 11 October, 2015 Excellent review, thank you. I read, I saw, I came! Link to comment
La Cucaracha Posted 11 October, 2015 Share Posted 11 October, 2015 Excellent review, thank you. I read, I saw, I came! Here you go .... Link to comment
kato Posted 11 October, 2015 Share Posted 11 October, 2015 fuck it I am going to take one for the team wish me luck boys ha Link to comment
La Cucaracha Posted 11 October, 2015 Share Posted 11 October, 2015 fuck it I am going to take one for the team wish me luck boys ha Link to comment
Clandestine Posted 12 October, 2015 Share Posted 12 October, 2015 Fabulous review! Christine is a lovely person, isn't she Definately my bucket list. Now who can I find to join me.. Link to comment
TroppoTockley Posted 12 October, 2015 Author Share Posted 12 October, 2015 Definately my bucket list. Now who can I find to join me.. TroppoTockley, What can I say after reading that great review of your time/s spent with Her Majesty, absolutley a great read, and of course, the pics helped the story quite well too. Brings back so many similiar memories, and I must say, very sweet menories. Congratulations to you and to Christine, they don't come much better that I'm aware of. B B BB of course I'm totally biased here. But as far as I'm concerned NONE surpass her Majesty. Link to comment
TroppoTockley Posted 12 October, 2015 Author Share Posted 12 October, 2015 TT you should consider writing a book or three, you would give the 50 shades author a run for her money. Great review, look forward to part 2. wombat my friend, if I was to pen a book like that I would have to give Christine 50% of the earnings as she would be my muse. Then again I would have the funding to get more material for further books. Hhhhmmmmm...... Thanks for the review Troppo and what a review it was.... And it ain't finished yet. Watch this space. Christine can be extremely generous like that. LC that's not even 10% of what our Queen has done for me. Link to comment
TroppoTockley Posted 12 October, 2015 Author Share Posted 12 October, 2015 That's the best advertisement sorry meant review for the Queen I have ever read. Well done you lucky bastard. Had one session with the Queen many years ago and glad I did. Jock Strap it's my hope that this will lead to more "exposure" for Christine. If I can send people, particularly virgins, her way all the better. As for you, I really suggest you see her again. She has only gotten more fascinating Link to comment
TroppoTockley Posted 12 October, 2015 Author Share Posted 12 October, 2015 Yes , Heidi is most delightful to deal with Don't you mean the "Pearly Gates' of St Christine Thanks for the photo's gnomking, believe me at that point I was lucky I had enough blood in the ol' brain pan to remember Heaven has gates *lol*. More photo's to come mate. Great review. CMQ excels consistently. Vinnie how right you are. Link to comment
TroppoTockley Posted 12 October, 2015 Author Share Posted 12 October, 2015 This is possibly the best review I have read in the entire history of punter planet - well done crimsonn you're making me blush mate. I just try my best. Link to comment
Kampot Posted 12 October, 2015 Share Posted 12 October, 2015 Thanks mate - my computer has just had a melt down - most likely due to the smokey, sultry divine Ms McQueens photos.. I don't think I would ever aspire to mate with someone that hot - it would not be natural. Link to comment
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