RoadLessWandered Posted 14 February, 2022 Share Posted 14 February, 2022 First review here, looking to drop a few more from the last 12 months on the punting circuit. Had been feeling the itch lately and was having trouble nailing down a WL to visit. Thought I would give Juhi a go - she answered promptly and was able to accomodate me on the day I required. I wanted to book ahead of time due to other commitments, Juhi requested a deposit of $100 for a booking a week beforehand (citing that often appointments booked ahead are welshed and she misses out). I was happy to oblige and transfer the funds. A week on, I made my way to her residence just north of The cbd through hellish traffic for a Saturday afternoon, arriving a bit late (generally I like to arrive earlier and secure a bottle of water beforehand). Letting Juhi know, I was beckoned to and welcomed at the door by a knockout in sheer black lingerie and heels. Not quite what I was expecting But Juhi would barely be shy of 5 feet, petite and slim of figure with small breasts. My mind was racing already. She accompanied me to her second floor (past a rather messy living space, doesn’t bother me i know it’s a put off for some). Separate bedroom with its own ensuite, tidy room and air conditioned (def needed for a warm day outside). Ahead with a shower and sort out the financials for a 90 min session and then we where into it. Juhi seems to be definitely down for DFK, we spent probably 10-15 minutes kissing, caressing and groping each other’s bodies , of which she seemed to be very into. Progress on to a BBBJ which Juhi handled very well (I might be the only guy on the planet but I’m not much one for a BJ, never been able to get to completion off one either - that being said I let the WLs do their thing). Slow, sensual, hard and fast, not much deep action going but she was trying her hardest. Shifting around to give me access to her body to caress and squeeze, she eventually lowered herself onto my face for some 69, of which I enjoyed to my hearts content. As mentioned above, Juhi is a small unit and down her was no different, I dragged an orgasm or two out of her from this angle before we changed position and she kept working me downstairs with her mouth. Eventually I suggested Daty, Juhi accepted and payed back to coach me with fervour until she again reached orgasm. I was keen for it now - so we proceed to sex. She dimmed up and lowered her self slowly down, her petite frame slowly accomodating me (I don’t think I’m large by any means but hard not to feel it with a pocket rocket like Juhi). What happened next was less of a cowboy experience and more of a holding Juhi in place while she was jackhammered from below. Flipping her on her back, I had her legs up on my shoulders and hammered away a bit until she said, we need to stop this position or there may be unexpected waterworks. Putting away my curiousity, she lowered her legs and curled them around my back, beckoning me for more. I obliged and gave her the works. Hitting some crests but not able to get myself to completion, after quite some time, I offered her the chance for a break and we separated our sweaty bodies. I lay on the bed, my head in Juhis lap and we talked a bit, about her work, her degree and how we share qualifications, lifestyle. We chatted for probably about 20 mins, shifting around to cuddle, fondle and grope each other casually all the while. Interrupted by a phone call( on my end). I realised that I was late for an appointment. She looked at the time, realised we did not have much time left but was happy for me to stay - she had an appointment with a regular in the city but seemed like she did not want to leave without me being satisfied. A few more minutes chatting and she asked if a wanted some hand action to finish. I accepted and this was the most interesting thing of the whole afternoon. Juhi grabbed some lube and then went to work with a combined looked of concentration and wonderment. Never before have I seen someone so engrossed in the act of giving a hand job. She truly looked to be enjoyed what she was doing, a cute remark here or there, bitting the lip in concentration or throughly examining my merchandise. After a bit more 69 action(my request) she finished the ritual and proceeded to squeeze my soul out through my nethers or after 90 minutes of build, it sure felt like she did. Juhi was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with and wanted to make sure I went home satisfied with a smile (despite the clock). WIR. For sure. 15 Link to comment
Mikemelb Posted 14 February, 2022 Share Posted 14 February, 2022 Thanks, she is great. Spelling incorrect on header and there is a separate thread for her which I am sure the mods will fix. Link to comment
RoadLessWandered Posted 14 February, 2022 Author Share Posted 14 February, 2022 54 minutes ago, Mikemelb said: Thanks, she is great. Spelling incorrect on header and there is a separate thread for her which I am sure the mods will fix. Fixed it up thanks. wasn’t sure about the swaps rate Threads, I’ve noticed a few that have them are still posted in the unsorted so I just assume that they begin the sorting process once the current one hits cap. 1 1 Link to comment
Jeff6969 Posted 14 February, 2022 Share Posted 14 February, 2022 This chick seems to get good reviews all the time. Good on her! But for that price, no thanks. Some people don't even earn $450/ day and she's charging that an hour. She could be a celebrity and i wouldn't pay that much. 1 Link to comment
Angelo44 Posted 14 February, 2022 Share Posted 14 February, 2022 (edited) On 14/02/2022 at 7:48 PM, Jeff6969 said: This chick seems to get good reviews all the time. Good on her! But for that price, no thanks. Some people don't even earn $450/ day and she's charging that an hour. She could be a celebrity and i wouldn't pay that much. Dude it's crazy how she can charge that i've bagned way hotter asian women at local brothels for $120 for 30 minutes sad times we live in. price of pussy is so high. Edited 17 February, 2022 by AndyJ Unnecessary comment edited. Link to comment
me and you 69 Posted 14 February, 2022 Share Posted 14 February, 2022 On 14/02/2022 at 10:20 PM, Angelo44 said: Dude it's crazy how she can charge that i've bagned way hotter asian women at local brothels for $120 for 30 minutes sad times we live in. price of pussy is so high. But you can Stay with 10 Asian girls you might get 1 good one out of 10 1 Link to comment
Transluvmelb Posted 14 February, 2022 Share Posted 14 February, 2022 On 14/02/2022 at 10:20 PM, Angelo44 said: Dude it's crazy how she can charge that i've bagned way hotter asian women at local brothels for $120 for 30 minutes sad times we live in. price of pussy is so high. A brothel session is very different to a private Link to comment
AbelNox Posted 15 February, 2022 Share Posted 15 February, 2022 On 14/02/2022 at 10:20 PM, Angelo44 said: Dude it's crazy how she can charge that i've bagned way hotter asian women at local brothels for $120 for 30 minutes sad times we live in. price of pussy is so high. Imagine comparing a brothel WL to an independent WL Man you are 1 less can of a 6 pack.... 1 1 Link to comment
ThePhatController Posted 15 February, 2022 Share Posted 15 February, 2022 Thanks for the great review. She consistently gets very good reviews and seems to provide an exceptional level of service. Unfortunately she is beyond my price range. Link to comment
Jeff6969 Posted 15 February, 2022 Share Posted 15 February, 2022 On 14/02/2022 at 10:20 PM, Angelo44 said: Dude it's crazy how she can charge that i've bagned way hotter asian women at local brothels for $120 for 30 minutes I'd say she's above average in looks but no girl is worth that much an hour. That price is just ridiculous. On 15/02/2022 at 12:57 PM, AbelNox said: Imagine comparing a brothel WL to an independent WL I'm comparing. I'll bet you could get the same service if you looked hard enough in a brothal. On 15/02/2022 at 9:59 AM, Transluvmelb said: A brothel session is very different to a private How so? TBH i've never booked a private so i don't know but i reinterate its impossible this service is so great its worth $450/ hr. I'm seriously interested what she does which i could not get in a paid brothal. Not arguing with you, just curious on why you think a brothal session is different to a private. If i look at one of the most expensive brothals in Melb, ie. The Boardroom; i've punted there. You know why i don't go there anymore? Because i get the same service in a surburban brothal for cheaper. With sex workers the rule of 'you get what you pay for' doesn't apply. At least i haven't seen this in my lifetime so far. 1 Link to comment
Angelo44 Posted 15 February, 2022 Share Posted 15 February, 2022 5 hours ago, AbelNox said: Imagine comparing a brothel WL to an independent WL Man you are 1 less can of a 6 pack.... Imagine thinking you can't get a top tier service at a brothel and needing an independent ahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahha Link to comment
Yum Cha Posted 15 February, 2022 Share Posted 15 February, 2022 On 14/02/2022 at 10:20 PM, Angelo44 said: Dude it's crazy how she can charge that i've bagned way hotter asian women at local brothels for $120 for 30 minutes sad times we live in. price of pussy is so high. On 12/12/2020 at 11:53 AM, Angelo44 said: Guys due to brothels being locked down for a long time and COVID i went a big crazy and said some pretty silly things on this forum just trolling and taking the piss i want to apologise as i'm back to normal now and will only post serious and meaningful things to the forum cheers @RoadLessWanderedthanks for a great review, don't worry about the troll, he will never change. Link to comment
RoadLessWandered Posted 15 February, 2022 Author Share Posted 15 February, 2022 4 hours ago, Yum Cha said: @RoadLessWanderedthanks for a great review, don't worry about the troll, he will never change. Haha i am not fussed, if it just means i have to spend an extra hundo to stay away from where ever he has been, it's easy done 2 2 Link to comment
Charlie Posted 15 February, 2022 Share Posted 15 February, 2022 Bucket list!! Thanks for your review of a skilled courtesan! Keep on punting!! Link to comment
AbelNox Posted 16 February, 2022 Share Posted 16 February, 2022 20 hours ago, Angelo44 said: Imagine thinking you can't get a top tier service at a brothel and needing an independent ahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahhaahahahahahha I can get a top tier service with both. At least I'm not the one who keeps begging for mikey Link to comment
AndyJ Posted 17 February, 2022 Share Posted 17 February, 2022 Glad you had a great time with Juhi, @RoadLessWandered. Cheers for sharing. Link to comment
Transluvmelb Posted 17 February, 2022 Share Posted 17 February, 2022 On 15/02/2022 at 5:08 PM, Jeff6969 said: I'd say she's above average in looks but no girl is worth that much an hour. That price is just ridiculous. I'm comparing. I'll bet you could get the same service if you looked hard enough in a brothal. How so? TBH i've never booked a private so i don't know but i reinterate its impossible this service is so great its worth $450/ hr. I'm seriously interested what she does which i could not get in a paid brothal. Not arguing with you, just curious on why you think a brothal session is different to a private. If i look at one of the most expensive brothals in Melb, ie. The Boardroom; i've punted there. You know why i don't go there anymore? Because i get the same service in a surburban brothal for cheaper. With sex workers the rule of 'you get what you pay for' doesn't apply. At least i haven't seen this in my lifetime so far. When you book a decent private, come back and let's discuss. But I will leave you with one difference - Brothel girls are like robots, wham bam see you mam Link to comment
maximiliansaxon Posted 17 February, 2022 Share Posted 17 February, 2022 7 minutes ago, Transluvmelb said: But I will leave you with one difference - Brothel girls are like robots, wham bam see you mam Some are , some aren’t. Same goes for privates. 1 Link to comment
Beyond81 Posted 25 February, 2022 Share Posted 25 February, 2022 I follow her on Instagram Link to comment
Duke1000 Posted 7 March, 2022 Share Posted 7 March, 2022 Been thinking of seeing her and you might just of convinced me. Does she do CIM, that might get me over the line if you’ll pardon the pun! Link to comment
me and you 69 Posted 7 March, 2022 Share Posted 7 March, 2022 6 hours ago, Duke1000 said: Been thinking of seeing her and you might just of convinced me. Does she do CIM, that might get me over the line if you’ll pardon the pun! Yes in her PSE I don’t know about in her GFE Link to comment
Duke1000 Posted 16 March, 2022 Share Posted 16 March, 2022 On 8/3/2022 at 12:44 AM, me and you 69 said: Yes in her PSE I don’t know about in her GFE Think she just updated her service list and CIM no longer an option! Timing is everything! Link to comment
me and you 69 Posted 17 March, 2022 Share Posted 17 March, 2022 CIM has always been on the list it’s just she increased her Rates to reduce risk Bcoz she has too many clients. Link to comment
PacoMan Posted 4 April, 2022 Share Posted 4 April, 2022 @RoadLessWandered Thanks for your review of this lovely young lady. This sums it up I think" On 14/02/2022 at 2:23 PM, RoadLessWandered said: Juhi was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with and wanted to make sure I went home satisfied with a smile (despite the clock). WIR. For sure. Sorry your review was derailed a little by the discussion on pricing and people's different budgets/expectations and perception of VFM. Suffice to say Juhi is a pretty, enthusiastic and skilled pocket rocket, who is very very customer focused! I for one strongly recommend . @Duke1000 Regarding info on prices/services: 1 Link to comment
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