AussieRogue Posted 28 May, 2013 Share Posted 28 May, 2013 Skip this is you want to get to the Sex... The pilot episode of 'Secret Diary of a Call Girl' - which I'm sure most of the people here have seen at some point, has Belle, the escort main character, make a comment about herself as she talks to the audience through the forth wall. "Escort, Hooker, Prostitute, Whore, I don't care what you call me. There all just semantics." If there was ever going to be a counterpoint to that view, it would have to be Christine McQueen. I'm not the most prolific punter by any means - in fact it had been over a year since I had done so, but after the relationship I had been in came to its - entirely amicable - end a few months back, I got thinking about having some fun. There were several enticing women as always who can't help but catch your eye, but none the less my attention kept wandering back to one person in particular. I had always been somewhat fascinated by Christine - and its hard not to be. Her beauty aside, she is probably one of the most famous escorts on the Australian scene. And not 'just' an escort of course, but a businesswoman who has embraced a niche with astonishing energy and drive, seemingly going overnight from a sole operator into running a high-end parlour and managing of any number of handpicked girls in her own agency. She has a higher media profile than most any other escort for reasons I'm sure we all know - which almost paradoxically deepens the mystery around her - and while YMMV is a truth that I'm sure everyone keeps in their mind, its none the less very rare indeed that you see anyone with an outright negative word for her. Still, in spite of that - or perhaps because of it - I couldn't help but find myself somewhat intimidated by the prospect of an encounter Christine - and I doubt I'm the first to have this reaction. The long list of people who seem to go in slightly nervous and come out with a somewhat scrambled mind from the sheer intensity of the encounter - even the pictures on her website lend a rather ... impressive gravity to her. This is a woman whose experience and skill have become near legendary - she looks like a Sex Goddess and nothing less!- and there was almost an irrational question of who the hell was I to want to spend time with her going through my mind whenever I looked over her photos. Somewhat stupidly, after I summed up the courage to send off an email to Hedi, I selected a date almost a month into the future. I had chosen it because it was free of course and I wanted to give sufficient notice - especially as I'm sure Christine had plenty of demands on her time, but it then meant a month of slowly crawling to the date and second guessing myself. Hedi contacted me a few days out and asked to move the time a couple of hours, no problem at all for me I said back. All the contacts were prompt and to the point and finally the day arrived, telling myself to be objective and neither make unreasonable expectations for a couple of hours with someone I've never met before, and to just keep a level head. Easier said than done of course. Driving into the city was great fun - trying to keep my concentration. I had given myself plenty of time -probably an obsessive amount of it- because I wanted to be sure that even in the worst case scenario I had plenty of time to find parking. I ended up being glad I did, because I passed 3 different breakdowns which made traffic a nightmare, although finding a parking spot was surprisingly easy. The in-call location was in Darlinghurst, not all far from Christine's own parlour in fact and as I got close, a message came through from Christine's receptionist that she was running a little late and would be ten more minutes, if that was okay. I messaged back that of course it wasn't an issue - except that it left my nerves only building on themselves of course. The clock slowly ticked towards the new time minute by minute -and I'll even admit that I checked an internet time server linked to an atomic clock to make sure I was accurate, out of some bizarre desire to be on time and not disappoint her by keeping her waiting... At any rate, the moment finally arrived and screwed up my courage and casually walked over and up to the door panel -after triple checking the address an apartment number one last time and worrying if hitting the button exactly on time would suggest I was impatient or anal retentive- and hit the intercom. An entirely cheerful voice said Hi and told me to come on in - and with that, I was through to the door. The instructions were to head through the Gate and Christine would meet me at the lobby, but when I got to the door proper into the building, I found it was locked. But I had taken a bit longer than I should have to make it there, quite literally forcing myself to count to ten and only then walk up the path ... and my attempt to chill out was destroyed as I wondered if I was supposed to go inside and the door had timed out waiting for me, Gods what an idiot I'd look if she was waiting for me and had to come to the door - Then the elevator doors opened and Christine came walking out. Phew! First impressions, as they say, can only be made once and Christine, unsurprisingly, is rather good at making them. She wasn't wearing, as I had sort of expected in my head, a stunning black evening dress or scarlet number that hugged her like a second skin or anything like that. Her dress was quite colourful in fact, but suited her visibly toned and tanned limbs perfectly in a way that was hard to put my finger on as she opened the door. Almost before I could step inside she was up against me and greeting me with a bright smile and peck on the lips, welcoming me in as I managed to go through the typical pleasantries on autopilot - idly noting that her photos were indeed right on the money. Her presentation was, in short, utterly impeccable. Nothing at all said 'I am running 10 minutes late and rushed like crazy to get ready' - it instead looked like she had been working on this for hours to get it just right, with not one detail missed or rushed. Moments later we were in the lift which started to ascend - and she was already apologising for running late. I assured her that it was not any problem at all of course and we made the typical small talk as I explained my own eventful trip in, although the perfectly normal small talk was made slightly more difficult by the unabashed way Christine already had an arm around me and took the opportunity to lightly touch her lips to mind between sentences. The lift halted and we walked out to her apartment - clearly set up her team for in-calls. The lighting was low and the decor dark with golden highlights that suited Christine perfectly - almost as if she had chosen a dress and a style that fit the room to perfection (come to think of it I'm sure that's exactly what she had done) and in moments we were sitting down together on the lounge. I declined her offer of a drink - having grabbed a water bottle on the way- and she amicably settled down next to me - or more accurately, right up against me. It's hard for me to remember what we were talking about at the time, and I'd almost go so far as to call it incidental. What I do remember is that Christine pretty much shattered my expectations. Looking at all her pictures, reading the reviews, watching the videos... I couldn't help but work up a larger than life picture of this person. She was a Sex Goddess with a capital G who could intimidate anyone from the sheer raw sexual energy she projected as you sat there, silently wondering how in the hell you could think you would have a chance of keeping up with her... But that wasn't Christine at all - although I am now entirely sure that she could easily be that person if you wanted her to be. Christine ... I think I can best describe her as a chameleon. There is both great intelligence and great empathy behind those stunning eyes of hers -and she is just as eager and earnest to try and make a connection with you as you are wanting to do with her. In the opening ten minutes we happily chatted with her nestled up next to me, I couldn't help but feel that she was almost 'calibrating' herself to me. There was nothing false at all about it mind you; Christmine McQueen is not an alternate persona put forward to hide a real person in any way, shape or form; something I've felt to be the case more than once before with other escorts. I'm sure she has private parts she would only share with family or those she chooses, but what she does share with you is absolutely real. And what she chooses to share is what makes both of you comfortable. Completely contrary to my preconceived expectations, Christine, throughout the entire time I spent with her, was funny, easygoing, irreverent, charming yet with depth and intelligence to her that drew me in like a magnet - and I have no doubt there are depths and shades to her personality that will be drawn out by other people in different ways. Escort work occupies a distinct grey area between business and pleasure, but Christine pushes into a whole new zone. You might be ultimately paying for her services ... but honestly, with Christine it feels as if you are just paying for a drink (albeit an expensive one ) with her, and after that - well, she is perfectly willing to see where things go. Sex Starts Here So, while we were chatting on her lounge and I was admiring the way Christine's dress moved as she did with enough gaps to see through to the lingerie she was wearing, her hands were not idle. And soon enough, they got increasingly playful, we pulled closer together, and talk gave way to increasingly passionate kissing. Soon I was leaning back on the plush lounge with Christine draped over me and DFKing in that great, deep, slow unhurried way as our hands explored each other and it didn't take long for her hands to wander lower and start tracing around Little Aussie - who was already well erect of course, what with this stunning woman lying all over me. It didn't take long at all before her hands were deftly inside my pants and expertly gripping, squeezing and tracing as her kisses continued to get more heated. A short pause to catch our breaths -and loose her dress as well as my shirt and shoes, and we were back into it. Her skin looked utterly flawless under the soft lights and it certainly felt perfect as I greatly enjoyed running my hands over her sculpted body, having a particularly fun time tracing the outline of her pussy through the satin thong that was covering it. Her breasts swung free not too long later as we dispensed with her bra and my pants and I have to admit I had a great amount of fun with her nipples - and she seemed to be enjoying my playing with them if the grunts I was getting were any indication. I'm not usually a fan of larger augmented breasts, but I will admit these suited her and I could have sucked on them for a very long time. Soon enough however, the object(s) of my attention pulled away as she sensuously slid down my body the thick rug while I sort of lay on the edge of the lounge - and almost before I knew it, she had moved into a BBBJ. Suffice to say her skill was incredible - I probably would have preferred to sixty nine with her because I increasingly felt guilty for not being able to do much more to her, but her skill was just so damn amazing I have to admit I was a rather selfish guy and just sat back and enjoyed it. Eventually I suggested she should ease up or I was going to cum, getting a slightly arch look that said 'Yes, that's the point!' but she freely let me now slide to the floor as she stood - and the thong was gone. A great deal more exploration took place for a while before she shifted and straddled and then I was resting my back against the lounge as she lowered her pussy onto my face. A very enjoyable interlude followed -although I think I need to work on some jaw exercises or something because my jaw seemed to start aching after a while, I guess I had pulled a muscle or something. And right when I seemed to be getting into a rhythm with some fingers getting busy and Christine starting to rock around more and more from my actions. In the end I just couldn't keep up the pace - which annoyed me as I was otherwise having a great time with her sitting on my face, but she was magnanimous about my weakness and suggested we move to the bedroom. I happily agreed and with that we shifted around into the bedroom. Rapidly she sat me down on the edge of the bed and knelt, going back to work on Little Aussie who quickly was back to full strength. Again, it didn't take too long given how excited I was to start to get close and so with typical flair she put on the 'dom with her mouth before I had even realized it had happened. Then, because she is Christine McQueen, she stood and demanded that I fuck her against the wall. The idea was more than a little exciting and despite the fact that I am quite a bit taller than her, soon I was thumping into her with her hands around my neck and her back on the wall. Her facial expressions were erotic, to put it mildly, and despite my best efforts (and thanks to hers), it wasn't more than a matter of minutes before I exploded in her -and I mean that, it was the most intense orgasm I've had in a very long time. After cleaning up (or after SHE cleaned up while DFKing me as I sort of fell back onto the bed) we both lay down on the bed and recovered, sharing body heat and just enjoying the feeling of each other. She retrieved a glass of water for us both as we talked - and finding something hilarious in the fact that my socks had remained on all this time for some reason as we had lost everything else, debating if this counted as a fetish - which dovetailed naturally into a fascinating discussion of some of the oddest requests Heidi had presented to her from clients wondering if she did X Y or Z. Wow, some interesting turn-on's out there! None the less soon enough Christine was back on the warpath and our talk shifted into kissing and then action as we kissed, sucked and cuddled each other until eventually again had shifted and took a once again rock solid Little Aussie into her mouth. She worked him with even greater energy than she before in the lead up to our vertical fucking. This time her eyes, when she looked up at me, told me that she would not be denied sucking me to orgasm ... and don't ever forget that she is one fit lady as she held me in a vice from further down on the bed, the noises she was making as she deep throated me, the look in her eyes just daring me to try and hold on - all of it just drove up the intensity to 11. I did try to hold on as long as I possibly could through the incredible sensations, but it was an impossible task and in the end I exploded in her mouth. Then she flopped back onto the bed next to me and wrapped herself around me in a somewhat self satisfied way and we started talking entirely casually, as if she hadn't just given me probably the best BJ of my life. If there was any doubt that Christine was the real person and not simply a mask worn to hide her, it was laid to rest here as she talked openly about a bewildering array of subjects going on in her life with great candour and openness. So much so I felt I had to be careful not to abuse the privilege or push into any private areas she didn't want me to. But that never happened. Perhaps its because she already has a very public profile, perhaps because this is just who she is, but the conversation was fascinating in its openness as we discussed our lives. At one point when we were talking about CMQ - Escorts and the Showroom I quipped that it was truly a situation where sleeping with your boss was not frowned upon, but highly encouraged and she cracked up - although I wish I could have taken that back as soon as I said it - God it sounded corny! We talked for a long period of time, but unsurprisingly, soon enough I felt her hands 'playing' and getting more and more bold. I told her that I was pretty sure she had blasted me for the night, but she just replied sweetly that I had come here to fuck, not talk, and she went to work. Alas, though the spirit was willing, the flesh was screaming for mercy and I'll make it a point next time to not do anything with anyone or any hand for a couple of days before seeing Christine next time, because damn that woman doesn't like being denied her fun! Although she is insufferably cute when she pouts. Alas however, all too soon I noticed the time was coming towards a close. I could have just lay there in her arms forever, but that was not going to be, so soon I was taking a shower as Christine went to war with the air conditioner try to warm the lounge room back up for when I came out - with somewhat hilarious results. I have to admit as I dried off and dressed up - with her she still fully nude and sitting down entirely casually- I suddenly felt a pang as I realised I had not corrected my earlier actions and ensured she had at least came once, just too blissfully caught up in her incredible skill to remember. Which annoyed me somewhat as I'm usually very careful to make sure the other person gets their enjoyment. But I suppose I'll just have to make it up next time with her. All too soon I was dressed and ready to go and Christine, still naked, walked me to the door. An agonizingly deep french kiss that seemed to last both forever and no time at all later and I forced myself out the door, not willing to impose on her as I was already over the time - not by much, but still... And so I walked back through the very bustiling city on a Saturday night where people were running around everywhere in good cheer - walked into the local pub long enough to have a soft drink and feel for my brother in law at the NRL score shown on the screen - before departing the city. I had come expecting an encounter some kind of high priestess sex goddess. But I left having met someone unique ... but absolutely human. If you have been thinking about seeing her but have been wary or intimidated by her, don't be. She is one of the most friendly and easygoing people you could imagine meeting. YMMV of course, but at least as far as I am concerned, the reality more than lived up to the promise. 19 Link to comment
gnomking Posted 28 May, 2013 Share Posted 28 May, 2013 Lovely read AussieRogue "Christine ... I think I can best describe her as a chameleon. There is both great intelligence and great empathy behind those stunning eyes of hers -and she is just as eager and earnest to try and make a connection with you as you are wanting to do with her" Link to comment
Brok-her Posted 28 May, 2013 Share Posted 28 May, 2013 Thanks AusssieRogue for that very indepth review of your time with the beautiful Christine McQueen. I think the following comment in your review said it all; "I had come expecting an encounter some kind of high priestess sex goddess. But I left having met someone unique ... but absolutely human." Very well said, very well said.. Link to comment
Clandestine Posted 28 May, 2013 Share Posted 28 May, 2013 I guess I had pulled a muscle or something No, I believe Christine was the one pulling the muscle AR. Well written review and captured the moment with the lovely CMQ. Link to comment
andytoderica Posted 28 May, 2013 Share Posted 28 May, 2013 Awesome review. Great details. Thank you. Link to comment
Alchemist Posted 29 May, 2013 Share Posted 29 May, 2013 Wow AussieRogue. You have put many of us to shame with that one. A beautifully constructed review, the lead up, the event, the epilogue. Brilliantly written, intelligent, insightful and eloquent. Thanks for making my day with a tremendous read. And jeez... Christine must have been looking amazing.... the "21-25" box you ticked... You know what, I reckon Christine will take that with a smile. And wouldn't we all ?! Cheers ! Link to comment
Hound Doggy Posted 29 May, 2013 Share Posted 29 May, 2013 Well Aussie Rogue you certainly can write, looking forward to more reviews from you. I'm sure CMQ will love you for the 21-25 year age box you ticked Link to comment
SamHyd Posted 29 May, 2013 Share Posted 29 May, 2013 Nice one Aussie. After reading your review i think i may build up the courage to have a date with this goddess. You are right, her celebrity is truly intimidating but that should not stop us from receiving her blessings. Link to comment
Andy.Ma Posted 29 May, 2013 Share Posted 29 May, 2013 AussieRogue, thanks for the nice review of your time with the lovely Christine. Very well detailed and captured indeed. Link to comment
AussieRogue Posted 29 May, 2013 Author Share Posted 29 May, 2013 Well Aussie Rogue you certainly can write, looking forward to more reviews from you. I'm sure CMQ will love you for the 21-25 year age box you ticked Whooops, I must have selected the wrong drop down as I did not mean ... Uh... I mean, of course I meant to say that. Yes. *looks left and right* *TBH she could just about pass for early - mid 20's really Link to comment
Stewman Posted 30 May, 2013 Share Posted 30 May, 2013 Great review. Having just experienced a rather incredible session with Christine myself a couple of days ago, i completely agree with everything you have said. She is the most beautiful lovely woman you could meet. She is just so friendly and sweet and shares so much of herself with you. She is definitely one of a kind - the best!! Link to comment
Alchemist Posted 30 May, 2013 Share Posted 30 May, 2013 Great review. Having just experienced a rather incredible session with Christine myself a couple of days ago, i completely agree with everything you have said. She is the most beautiful lovely woman you could meet. She is just so friendly and sweet and shares so much of herself with you. She is definitely one of a kind - the best!! Dirty details please Stewman !! Link to comment
Vital Signs Posted 31 May, 2013 Share Posted 31 May, 2013 Thanks AusR, I really have to make an effort to go see CMQ again! Link to comment
TroppoTockley Posted 31 May, 2013 Share Posted 31 May, 2013 Brilliant review AR. I'm impressed by the way that you didn't just go straight into the sex but enticed us with a little pre-amble. I know what you mean about the wait for I have also booked a fantasy with the Queen for mid-June and I have been going nuts just thinking about what she is going to do with me. I've also got to start stocking up on pineapple juice . If ever you have the opportunity, book a double with Christine and another princess. My selection would have to be Honey Adams but Mia Monroe would also be a great choice judging by Yakuza Man's vid. Keep up the punting mate Link to comment
mp000017 Posted 12 September, 2013 Share Posted 12 September, 2013 Great post. Thank you for sharing Link to comment
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