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Flexi's 2010 Reviews

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October 2010 - Studio 54 (Emma) - Missing Emma



I'd really missed Emma since last seeing her in late May. This girl made quite an impression during our three meetings over a relatively short period.


I guess by now everyone is familiar with Emma and what she offers. She offers a lot actually. In my view she rates highly on every measure. Her demeanor is calm and modest, yet frank. She has a view on everything but doesn't get too steamed up about things. Emma is a pretty girl with a curvy body and absolutely magnificent breasts. I confess, I'm totally in love with Emma's breasts. They are very large but still shapely (G+) and perky with very enticing nipples.


I’m not picking here but someone on another planet recently reviewed Emma and said little more than "....out of respect .......blah blah.....he enjoyed her kisses and cuddles...."


Well it’s true, I admit, her kisses and cuddles are extremely pleasant but it's a bit like a food critic checking out Heston Blumenthal's "The Fat Duck" restaurant saying “I thoroughly enjoyed the creative and inspiring menu and the cutlery was of superb quality but out of respect for the chef I won't go into the details of the food.


Emma's another one of these girls with a sexy Pommy accent although it is less Daphneesque than Cristal. She's fun to talk to and even more fun to shag so out of respect for Emma let me tell you about the activities.


As the receptionist was struggling to find my FF card, Emma came into reception looking hot after so long without seeing her. A little shorter hair and maybe a little straighter but I may have that wrong. Same friendly personality and same big babies. Eventually with the admin sorted she took my hand a lead me up that evocative stairway. In the room we exchanged some chat and some lovely full kisses before Emma left me to shower.


We had an hour booked and contrary to our last meeting where I’d set myself (and Emma) a challenge of 2SOG this was going to be more relaxed. We started where we’d left off with the kissing which Emma does very well. Her lips are nice and soft and she introduces her tongue subtly on occasion and more full-on on occasion. She’s one of those kissers that you’d be happy to linger with for ages. The tongue stud is new for those who haven’t seen her for a while. The only reason to stop kissing was in order to follow the very clear instruction that was time to eat her pussy. There were a number of variations on this theme including DATY and fingers followed by some more kissing so she could taste herself while my fingers did the walking.


I took the opportunity to engage in a couple of activities I’m quite partial to. The first was to give her a foot tongue-massage which elicited some cute groans and then to give her a back-side tongue-massage which also elicited some cute groans. Emma has a lovely round butt that is very conducive to such behaviour. I then moved up a laid on her back and dry rooted her butt as she’d turn her head to the side so we could kiss. This felt surprisingly quite amazing and almost got me off.


I’m not sure I got the order right of this bit but I think this is where Emma reminded me of her skills in the oral department. Absolutely fantastic. More dry rooting on the front with some more kisses then into mish. Legs open, legs together, it was coming along nicely with that tingle, grooovypants mentioned in his Ana review, almost there when Emma said something about time for more blow job. So we did. And she did. And it was good. Oh boy was it good. It was the most intense orgasm in quite a long time. Nearly blew the top of my head off.


During the blow job I was getting worried it was taking too long. Emma said “Don’t worry just relax and enjoy it, it will happen.” and it did. What a lovely orgasm.


After the clean up, Emma came and sat close to me on the bed and we chatted about quite a few things, sex related of course, oh, and a little about travel plans.


In summary, the experience was everything I’d remembered but possible better. No wonder I’ve never read a less than very positive review. I will definitely see that girl again soon. BTW normal price for an hour at S54 is a competitive $210 but as this was my tenth booking I got the house charge for free.


Source: Studio 54 - October 2010 - Emma


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