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Holly In Griffith's Blog

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Stories both fact and fiction

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Why Do Some Men.......... (can apply to women also)

Why do some men…..   Why do some men still have the stinkiest feet ever, even after lathering them up with soap and scrubbing. Why is it that I only notice this when I am giving head?   Why do some men shower and wash everywhere but still have poo dags in their arse? Why are they always the ones that enjoy prolonged blowjobs? Why is it when ever I smell the poo in their arse they take forever to ejaculate? Do they get off on having girls smell their shit?   Why do some men try to stick the



Privileged Am I

I never considered myself a privileged person. I come from a bit of a poor upbringing, hard times etc. Im not a "high end" escort, my rates are pretty cheap compared to most of my peers. Im not wealthy. I dont own my own house. I dont have luxury items. But at the end of the day, i havent CHOSEN those things for myself.. but i had a choice. I choose to have low rates. I choose not to buy a house. I choose not to splurge on luxury items..... and i think thats what being a privileged sex worker



Slave Of Society?

So this morning after waking up and washing the dye out of my hair that i had left in while i slept i jumped online, the usual morning coffee routine of checking all the sites i go to and catching up on stuff, i was on twitter and saw a retweeted conversation that was going on between one of my followers and an actor dude from London who was anti sex work.   So OF COURSE when i saw the tweet, i had to throw my 20cents worth in there but OMG it is so hard to say what you REALLY want to say in



10 Year Old Dreams

I saw a documentary about sex workers and in it, a lady said something along the lines of "At 10yrs old, nobody dreams of being a prostitute"   This is true. I have not met anyone who at 10 wanted to be a sex worker. I do however know a girl, who at 16 yrs old knew she wanted to do it! She was a smart lady. I met her when she was 34. Thats 18yrs in the industry. She noted every job she did, every extra she charged, she paid tax on the lot from day one, had property all over the place.. she e



No Sex = No Problems

People make bookings with sex workers for many different reasons. Sex is probably the number one reason. But its not the ONLY reason. Some people out there in society dont know about these people and they refuse to believe that no sex within a paid time actually occurs! Even some regular punters/clients find it bizarre when they hear about it!   In most bookings sex occurs. This is a fact.   But in some bookings, there is no sex. Its not what the client is looking for. These bookings happen



What's The Point If No One Pays Attention?

A little while ago there was an awesome report done on the New South Wales Sex Industry. It was called the Lash report and it was for the Minister of health (which can be found here-> http://nothing-about-us-without-us.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/LASH_NSW-Sex-Industry-Report_2012.pdf ) .. It was a good report and it was done by a University who studied sex workers and by golly, they did an awesome job! After the report came out, it made the papers! Media was saying great things a



Whore Violence

In life, some bad shit happens to people. Sometimes this is because of choices we make... and sometimes its not. I have been spat on pushed to ground had my arms twisted behind my back a pillow placed over my head to suffocate me strangled multiple times slapped in the face and body held hostage for over 60hrs woken up to a knife in my face punched closed fist in the mouth cut along my legs when i refused sex Now some may look at this l



Bitch Fight? FUCK YEAH!!!!

Hell yes, i love a bitch fight! I love them in real life and i love love LOVE them online... unless of course i am involved and that really sux cos well, i dont really fight unless i am feeling VERY passionate about something... but when its someone else,.. OMG get the popcorn *DING DING DING* Round ONE!!! (oh i should mention, i only get in bitch fights online.. not in real life.. i dont believe in hitting girls.. weird concept i know, but thats not how i roll lol)   There is something hot a



I Suck In Bed

I would recommend her to anyone, she may call herself ‘Vanilla’, and I’ve been the rainbow and back, but I would take this ‘vanilla’ lady any day or night. The surface may have been calm but underneath, well, I thought I could lose some fingers, so strong was her reaction. She has delightful internal muscle control.   What a delight and a wonderful break in my day, she is a beautiful lady in every sense of the word, love the smile she has permanently on her face and that little g



Sunday Morning Money

I am a believer, that until you have nothing, you cant appreciate anything. Doesnt always work with everyone, but most people. Once you have been in a near poverty experience, money and material possessions hold no value. Instead you focus on what you do have, love, support, family, friends, all the things that cost you nothing that can bring you joy and happiness.   Ive never been a brand name type of girl. Sure, i have worn brand named clothes, but i dont go looking for them. Im a tight ass



Treat Your Hooker Well

There is an old saying “Treat people how you wish to be treated”. it’s a good old saying and its one that even reigns true when hiring the services of a hooker!   Believe it or not, Hookers are people too! True story!   So I thought id blog some tips on how you can make your experience with a hooker a happier time for BOTH of you and basically how you can get the very best from your Working Lady or Man.   It starts before you even pick up the phone and make a booking! Before you even thin



Would You Like A Massage?

He told me to lie down, oil in his hand. Oh goody! Im getting a massage. I lay down in my stomach. He spreads my legs and kneels in between them. I feel my pussy open, exposed. He pours some oil into his hands, warms it up before starting to rub my body. His big strong hands applying good pressure, up and down my back. I hear myself let out a moan. It feels so good. I could lie here forever. All the muscles in my body are so tense. I have needed this for some time. He concentrates on my shoulder



My Eyes Are Closed

When I first became a WL, I was 21. A RnT girl actually lol. I was nervous. I had no idea if I really REALLY could go thru with it. My first booking, I didn’t do an intro. The receptionist had let the house regs know that a fresh new WL was starting and I already had a booking! He was an older gentleman. He had a friendly face. My nerves were making my body tremble. He took my hand and walked me into the room. What happened from that point on, changed the way I enjoyed sex and touch



When Will I See You Again?

I wanted to be all sexy and seducing when you arrived. I wanted to bat my eyelids, give you the look that said ‘take me now’, to have your undivided attention from the moment you walked into the room. But as always, it didn’t happen that way. Nerves and shyness get the better of me. More than that, im scared of how you will react. Will you laugh at me? Will I look like a dickhead? Will I trip over? I just don’t think I can pull being a seductress off well at all.   So instead, before y



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