After reading a few blogs on here, I thought I would share my history. I have never had a girlfriend, I am 31 years old. I didn't start having female friends until year 11, although since then I have had many, and many have been very affectionate, eg lots of cuddles, kisses on the cheek etc.. Back in my early 20s my friends really wanted me to find a girlfriend or at least pick up. That changed when I was 21. My friends manage to help me pick up a friend of theirs at a party, who came back to my
I remember my first ever punt quite well. It was about 10 years ago, I was a 21 year old uni student. As you know I enjoy being tickled for some bizarre reason and should be committed for it but i"m not Anyways, I had not been tickled much previously, except playfully by a few female friends. I had never had a girlfriend. Even when i made out with a girl the year before she didn't tickle me. Anyways so I was browsing the net and somehow came across a site called the Correction Centre, I had no
I thought I would start up a blog. And well I thought my first blog would be a big thank you to all the WL's, strippers, bondage mistresses etc who have helped me on my journey. For those of you who don't know, I am 30 and have never had a girlfriend, and have only been with a girl once which was 10 years ago (no intercourse). About a year ago I decided to take the plunge and try punting after I discovered this site (first for the strip club reviews), and I have learn't so much. All the WL's on