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Unpublished reviews and other bits and pieces

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Right of Reply to Spanish Jennifer Review

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index   Introduction Another review of Jennifer of Westminster Secrets popped up recently which was at odds with my own. I don't mind people having a different perspective, in fact I welcome it, however the person who scratched out the other deplorable review accused mine of being fake, pretty poor form from a fellow punter I reckon. I didn't comment on his thread as we are told not to turn a review into an argument (and he is entitled to his opinion). Also I di



Things I've Often Wondered

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index   I've often wondered why someone hasn't invented the detachable bush.   I've often wondered what would it be like to give yourself a blowjob.   I've often wondered how much does a girls orgasm to a girl feel like a boys orgasm to a boy?   I've often wondered how would a pair of elephants do a sixty-niner.



Parallel Universe

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index   There is a parallel universe where old men can be hookers and provide paid sexual services to pretty young women with brains in their vaginas.   There is a parallel universe where the recommended daily intake is six liters of wine and two glasses of water.   There is a parallel universe where a rimming a day keeps the doctor away.   There is a parallel universe where treading on thin ice results in nothing more than a cold, wet arse.   There is a



My New Career As A Hooker - I Need Your Advice With My Ad

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         Dear friends, punters and countrymen, lend me your ears. Thanks in advance for your constructive assistance. I'm after a change to my day job and happened on to this great idea. A couple of guys and gals I know think it has legs. My mate said my idea missed out by 30 years and 3 inches, not sure what she meant but anyway, here is a first crack at an ad. What do you reckon folks?         Do you miss your old man? Check out Flexi's "Surrogate



Love Or Just An Onion Skin

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index       As successfully as the word inveigles one’s warmest inner emotions, it is in fact, far more problematic than it appears. Its exquisiteness can be more than offset by the baleful tricks it plays on our expectations. Concepts such as control, restriction, ownership, degree, boundaries, exclusivity, binary and capitulation spring to mind. It’s sometimes used and interpreted differently by different people with different frames of reference. It’s someti



A Rhyming Slang Review – What The Fuck

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index     G'Day Punters and The Punted   I didn't want to post this on the main forum as it's a bit silly, I just thought someone might get a smile or two. I prepared it when I was in a very relaxed mood and intended it only for my blog, so here it is.   I'm not sure how much the younger people and people who are not of Anglo background know of the concept of rhyming slang. Arthur Daly in the Brutish TV show "Minder" was a well-known exponent. The idea is to



5 Juanita (The Crimson Rose) - Chapter 5 - Alexander Nevski

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index           3 September 2002   Part 1 - Pre-concert Drinks Juanita had just finished the demanding task of putting on her make-up when there was a wrap on the heavy, brass knocker on the front door of her apartment.   "Quiet Diablo, its just Damon!" she called to the noisier of her two dogs. Diablo, which is the Spanish word for Devil, was a large, black Doberman with a temperament that well suited his name. The other dog, Satanás, meaning Satan, wa



Juanita (The Crimson Rose) - Chapter 4 - The First Encounter

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         Wednesday, 7 August 2002   Part 1 - Not Your Everyday Workday "Honey, I'll be a little late home tonight!" shouted Leon to Carina who was still enjoying her morning shower."   "OK Darling about what time will we see you?" she shouted back.   "I have a meeting planned for about six thirty." answered Leon who was telling the truth and nothing but the truth, if not the whole truth "I should be home by around eight or half past. You guys go ah



Mystery Woman Symphony in Four Movements

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         1st Movement - Overture   Trumpets sound the approach of a goddess   Timpani announce entrance to her lacy realm   She enters her domain and smiles, hearts melt   Breathless subject entranced on couch   Hand in royal hand   Violins double their tempo inviting lips to mesh   A duet of flutes playing fiery arpeggios commanding the clash of tongues   A recognisable joy is restored to a commoner's world       2nd Movement - Sustai



Punter's Delight

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         ... and so it is written ...         The old cheetah had been pining over his loss for almost six months when out of the blue, as if orchestrated by The Great Mother herself, a strange course of events caused the cheetah to return to the edge of the jungle, adjacent to the grassy tributary. He let out one last blood curdling roar from the pit of his gut. He gave it everything he had. On receiving no reply, he retired exhausted and drained



Reviews and Reviewing

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         Thoughts on Writing Reviews - My reasons for writing reviews is fivefold and probably the same as everyone else's. Firstly and foremost, it’s to repay to the community for the many benefits I have enjoyed. Secondly, it’s because I enjoy writing them. Thirdly, it’s because I enjoy having a record in a safe and secure blog. Fourthly, it’s to contribute to the sex worker's reward, good or bad. Finally, it’s because the interaction with fellow punte



Fucked Over In Taipai

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         I spent some time working in Taiwan back a few years. I recall the first couple of weeks we stayed in interim accommodation while we waited for serviced apartments. The interim accommodation was pretty old and tired but it had a good bar. And, they had a resident W/L but I’m sure they didn’t know it.   I’d only been there about a week and was feeling particularly pissed off with the whole thing – the project had started off atrociously and the



Fucked Over In Mumbai

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         An opportunity presented itself a few years back to spend a period working in Mumbai. I recall even now the first night, arriving at the hotel. It was very much a 5-star place and a far cry from the poverty that was rife on the drive between the airport and the hotel. After checking in, I was approached by a member of the concierge team who reminds me in hindsight of Prabaker from excellent Gregory David Roberts’ book “Shantaram”. If you haven’t



Fact or Fiction Index

Right of Reply to Spanish Jennifer Review I go away for a couple of weeks and come back to see a fake review of Jennifer floating around. This post is my unbiased assessment of the credibility of the reviewer and the review itself   Complexity Of A Woman A graphiphical representation of the true complexity of the fairer sex.   Things I've Often Wondered I've often wondered .......   Parallel Universe There is a parallel universe where ........   My New Career As A Hooker - I Need You



Juanita - The Crimson Rose - Chapter 3 - The Fetish and Fantasy

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         Saturday Evening, 6 April 2002   Part 1 - Rookie Teresa During the early part of every Saturday evening the Fetish and Fantasy was a hive of activity, this was followed by a lull during the mid-evening building to another peak about ten o'clock. It was as regular as clock work. It was eight-thirty and the lull had begun. Cobra, Alexia and Juanita were impatiently awaiting the next chime of the door bell in the hope that one of their preferre



Juanita (The Crimson Rose) - Chapter 2 - Tequila Sunrise

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         Sunday Afternoon, 28 January 2001   Part 1 - Holiday Abroad   "Darling, you look pensive!" said Carina who had until that moment had her head buried in a mystery novel thick enough to be a telephone directory. Leon often wandered off into a world of his own where he became completely absorbed by what ever was on his mind at that moment. Carina took a sip of her tequila sunrise then feigned a pouting, worried face to tease Leon into a smile.



Mussel Dreaming

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         I don't get to enjoy mussels nearly as often enough as I'd like, but when it happens, it's great.   The experience starts with the mussels steaming in a little dry white wine. The cooking process opens the mussels' shells letting the salty sea water out to blend with the acidic white wine. The aroma is a very distinctive but highly pleasant smell of the sea.   When the mussel is ready to be eaten, you need to strip away the outer covering. Un



Juanita (The Crimson Rose) - Chapter 1 - Leather and Lace

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         Friday Evening, 20 July 2007   Part 1 - Leon Gets A Flogging The fragrance of expensive perfume hung agreeably on the warm air. Pungent incense smoked ceremoniously from a brass dragon-head placed in a disused fireplace. The light of strategically placed, thick white candles, in varying degrees of exhaustion, flickered in the darkened room casting complex shadows on burgundy walls festooned with instruments of pleasure and pain. The floor wa



Punter's Lament

Return to Fact or Fiction Blog Index         ... and so it is written ...       The jungle is exotic and exciting, full of contradictions and intrigue. It is populated by many beautiful creatures, colourful, attractive and often times venomous and deadly. One must tread with care as dangers abound. The most insidious dangers come from within.   There are all manner of personalities but in general, a level of intra- and inter-species camaraderie is necessary for harmonious coexisten



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