The Nasty reviews
This one has been coming for a while.........
And before everyone goes running looking for something written about me ( this is an observation of things, not me )
I must say that as a community that is ment to be evolved , i am totally disturbed that punters do not take into account the pain they could inflict with reviewing.
First and formost arn't reviews to talk about service? Not getting ripped off ? wls whom waste your time?
Yes reviews have evolved into an expressional narative ( for some to long) exotic tales of independent sexual journey's. Sometimes reviews are warnings on con artists ,thieves and WLs whom have done something wrong .
And before you go making comments like " ohh she dosn't like reviews, well get off PP. I actually believe in constructive well written reviews, they definately have their place in this industry.
But let me ask..... do you think about the effects that are caused when you get down with nasty derogatory personal shots at WLs ?????
Or do you think.... I couldn't careless ???
Let me tell you a little story......
I received a phone call late one night...... I pick up the phone and before any words are exchanged I hear sobbing.
Now I'm getting use to this....which is actually very sad. It's either a girl has been assaulted or the every WLs fear of the nasty review........
This time it was the nasty review, I hear the words why would someone be so cruel? Why would he slam me like that? I thought we had a lovely time. If I was so terrible how come he came so quickly?
To which I ask ......did he act like anything was wrong..... In the booking? She says no , he actually said see you next time.
I cringe when I hear that hurt vibration in her voice as she tries to compose herself enough to speak.
Now this makes me question the PUNTERS...... If you arrive and see something you don't like ( as in her looks) politely walk away........if you are upset over something speak up either at the time ( so the girl has an opportunity to fix it) or an email if you believe it's that bad.
Do you think it's right to slam someone and not give them the opportunity to defend themselves?????
To public humiliate and embarrass them?
I'm all for outing bad service.......but then this blog isn't about that is it ?
Here is the ugly truth on WHEN PEOPLE don't think about their actions in this arena.....
I have seen girls go into depression, start using drugs and alcohol, go on medication to help with stress and anxiety. Close off the world and become insular......
Con artists and thieves don't get upset over these things....... women with feelings do !
Women arn't like men , they are sensitive,emotional ,softer creatures than our male counterparts.
Isn't these the very qualities, most men love about women?????
Women in this industry are not bullet proof however we accept that we are not going to be perfect for everyone...... Including myself.
If all the women were perfect Victoria secret models....... They certainly wouldn't be working in this industry.
A lot of men have different tastes in women...... That is the beauty of this world, if we were all cardboard cutouts...... How bloody boring would it all be ??
Anyone who knows me....knows I hate nasty people ( men or women) I also hate bad service,liars ,con artist and those who have total disregard for others feelings.
If you are one of those men who are so particular in your likes ( and your little willy is going to revolt)
And you still have questions after doing your research ,make a list of your turnoffs and enquire before the booking....... Cause I know that most WLs would rather not have a booking that is going to potentially hurt them in the long run.
Then when doing a review think about the fact the very girl you are insulting will be reading your review.
Using the terms..... We didn't connect, just wasn't for me, not what I thought it would be......these very terms say very loudly YOU DIDN'T like it. And are sufficient enough !!!!
Because it is only ever going to be your individual opinion not everyone's.
Thanks for reading....
Taylor Alexander
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