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A lil poem about punters....

Taylor Alexander


Some punter's I am close too

Some punter's I just do

Some are short

Some are not

Some like to come alot

Some like to chat

Some do not

Some are fast and other's are slow

Some request how many time's they can blow

Some lay there so still

Some maybe need a pill

Some are coy

Some want to be treated like a toy

Some have no idea

Some like it up the rear

Some are charming

Some are alarming

Some punter' yes I do

Some punter's I could say goodbye too.


Hehehehehehe......Just a few funny thoughts, hope you have a giggle today.



Taylor Alexander


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you didn't cover 'stalk', which can rhyme with 'talk' but you've already used 'chat'. maybe connect 'chat' with 'asshat', so stalk/talk can fit in.


just a creative suggestion.

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Look out world, it's Tayls the Poetic Private!

I Like it.

When I read this I immediately thought of the old Racey song, "Some girls do". You could soooo easily do this to their tune.


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Taylor Alexander


Lmao @ wallaroo....you are a funny guy !!!!!!


If you keep it up we will see wallaroo's punting greatest hits ......

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Taylor Alexander


Just waiting for wallaroo's hit...... It's my punt and I'll fuck if I want too ( from it's my party and I'll cry if I want too) lol.

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Lol , I like it sung to the Racey song too , well done Wallaroo.....I can imagine Tayls on keyboards lol.......Is it a problem if I identify with quite a few of these pointsohmy.gif


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Too many apostrophes in there Taylor. ;) Apologies for being a grammar Nazi. :lol:

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Taylor Alexander


How am I surprised ...bit bored tonight? , thought you might hunt down the spelling and grammar mistakes.......hehehehehe


How's that for grammar mistakes !

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A good bit of fun. There may be a side occupation as a poet, or you could offer each punter (as an extra) a poem of the occasion...

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Must have been composed during one of those 'has no idea' sessions?

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