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Katana vs Europe

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Part 0 - Before the adventure starts, getting ready here in Australia



It has been over four years since I last went on a major international tour/holiday/adventure, and I do not count New Zealand or Vietnam because they were more like getaways than adventures, and were places that I have experienced before and will likely return to in future. Europe, is a continent that admittedly I never had much interest in. But late last year, at my younger brother's wedding in Vietnam, I met his new wife's sister and she lives in Germany, she told me that I should go there one day. Also in Vietnam, my uncle told me we have second cousins living in Holland, I never even knew they existed. Then a good long-time friend is having his 30th birthday later in the year in Portugal. A past Contiki tour-companion in America told me he will go to Europe later this year. Plus, to top it off, the Olympics will be in an English-speaking location in London, and I have made it a goal of mine to attend one day. So, as you can see, all the stars aligned for why I should go, and I have made the bookings over half a year ago, and so I will be in Europe for about six to seven weeks.


I've booked quite a lot of tours, both small and big. The big ones are with Top Deck on a European Express tour, going from Paris and touring around western Europe, finishing in Amsterdam (I won't go to London afterwards). Then to Portugal to celebrate my friend's 30th, that will be awesome, he says he will show me the hot Portugese ladies, hope he's true to his word. After that, to the UK on a Globus tour, which will take about 11 days through all 5 countries, and back into London for the Olympics. I've just summarised it, but I gotta feeling it'll be a lot more in-depth than that.


Of course, since this is an adult-industry forum, I assume most of you are far more interested in the girls and sex than in Europe, so if you're asking, yes I will try and make an effort to see some ladies while over there, especially pornstars in London. I am not fully aware of the rules, laws and customs in Europe, so will try and do what I can without breaking any laws. I have been in contact with KellyUK here in the forums, and she's helping me out. Well, to tell you all again, I am fucking excited and can't wait to go! Stay tuned.


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