A Field Guide to Punting with Transsexuals
I recently had a short but lovely time with a very femme TS, and it was cut tragically short by some basic biology. This has left me feeling a little odd, and getting it all out there for comments could prove to be interesting.
I invite your comments or sharing of experience but I will report personal abuse or any hateful comments immediately - so please think before you post.
What follows is personal opinion. I am not a trained Medical person. I'm not even a good lover as when I am paying for sex I take a lot of short-cuts
So to be clear - I am by no means an expert and I am curious about your thoughts.
In the last few months I have read some very harsh things on PP about punting with a Tranny and I find myself getting angry at the level of ignorance and insensitivity directed towards our members of the third sex.
The Juicy Bits
Bum sex can and does happen when punting with a Girl+. From personal experience I can say it can be fun to give or receive. Not guaranteed to be always fun though, so it's all about your expectations and experience. From personal experience I can also say that good bum sex is more a matter of skill than a question of luck.
I think the very worst way to learn to give bum sex is from porn.
Probably the best way to learn to give bum sex is in the context of a loving relationship, with a regular cycle of education and experimentation. It takes practice, otherwise one party will probably be getting hurt and faking their side of the pleasure.
To a certain point, I feel sorry for the professionals that use their bum for commerce, and they are expected to just take it from whomever on demand. I suspect it is not the cock that causes injuries but the fuck-wit mentality of the person trying to push it in. I'm certainly no Saint though – I regularly sodomise other people, and pay them in hard currency so this can happen. I'm complicated, never tried to deny it!
For me to be able to relax and enjoy giving bum sex, my partner needs to be able to relax and comfortably receive bum sex. I certainly don't lay awake at night spanking the monkey, imagining I am destroying a Trannies arsehole, and thinking once she starts to bleed from her rectum it's finally starting to get really good.
Here's a radical suggestion, how about every horny Aussie guy that wants to fuck a Tranny in the arse has to consent to be sodomised first. I am certain their expectations and level of understanding will improve. Any takers? Some of the T-Girls are hung like Donkeys. I'm sure they can find a suitable Top for your Bottom
This rant has it's origins when I very recently had a Girl+ partner that told me the last client was a very big man, and didn't stop pounding when asked! They call that Rape where I come from. But we all know he will never see the inside of a Courtroom, unless it is to empty the bins. The fuck!
Pre-Op Trannies have them. They may get hard. They may not. They may get hard but not stay hard. They may get hard but then go soft when they are inserted into your various orifices.
Some may be able to ejaculate. Some of them may never be able to ejaculate again due to problems with the owner. These problems can by physical (Hormones perhaps) or mental (a feeling of disgust perhaps).
This is really getting into my very personal opinions based on conversations and experience now but...
...the Elephant in the room with Tranny punting is that the Girl+ often don't want their cock and strongly wish it was elsewhere. You will notice this most clearly when you lavish attention on their little brother and its all very “meh”.
A TG friend of mine couldn't bear to look at hers, and had the absolute minimum dealings with it, usually only touching it for essential hygiene reasons.
For best results I have found if I treat my partners Thing as a large Clitoris, and treat the owner as any other woman - things tend to go fairly smoothly.
When I meet a new Girl+, the very first thing I need to know is HE a bloke in a dress, or is SHE, a woman with a cock. If she is a women on the inside, I have found we can proceed fairly happily.
The next think I need to know from her is what sort of relationship does she have with her Little Brother.
Some examples:
One beautiful Girl+ told me she hated having it sucked because it made her feel like a man. I stopped sucking it. I stopped handling it. I pretended not to care when she tucked it out of sight between her silky thighs. I lay between her legs and entered her from Mish, and slowly made love to her in the usual way. She became very loving and passionate and it was one of my best TS punts ever.
One beautiful Girl+ struggled to get hard and wanted to quickly enter me. She thrust away a few times and then went soft and looked pretty embarrassed. I suggested a change of position for my backs comfort, and she was very reluctant and said “No it's in you now and if I take it out we need to clean-up and finish!”. There was plenty of time left so this was code for “the Viagra is not working today”. I left things as they were and it was ok. In my *next* session with this provider it went very very very well – probably because of my earlier approach to her difficulties.
One beautiful Girl+ told me that as I was her last customer of the day and she would cum for me if I booked her. This is a rare rare rare thing I have found, so I jumped at the chance. In the room and one thing lead to another and we both realised it was actually going to be a challenge for her today. We persisted and she got it done, but the stress we each felt trashed the previous good mood.
One beautiful Girl+ calls her Thing “The Caterpillar” and now I see she sees him as useful but that the two of them are not friends. She told me most of her clients want her to fuck them in the arse, and they if she can't her popularity will go way down. Apparently I am rare in that I will go either way depending on my mood.
So all you horny guys that want a Girl+ to bone you in your bum... you are much more average and common than you realise
Trannies Are People Too
I see myself as bit of an outsider, and I believe this is what always draws me towards the more interesting people I meet, Transsexuals included. Mainstream folks see imperfection and wrongness and I am usually fascinated and want to know much more.
I had a coffee with one of my Girl+ partners and everything she said made me hungry to hear more. She cast a spell on me with her difference and I think I freaked her out a little with my need to know everything. I got such a buzz from our talk I considered booking her again just to ask her questions and discuss things. In the end I thought that was too close to being a pervy stalker, so I booked her and fucked her in the arse instead It's suppose it's all about creating the right impression.
I guess feeling you are born in the wrong body in some cruel twist of fate creates an inner tension with the way things currently “are” that many of us regular people share. How many of us wish we were taller, not of a particular race, more hair, less hair, a bigger penis etc.
I think I have sympathy for our TG friends. My life never had the added complication of being born in the wrong body though.
Also I don't need to take very powerful and dangerous body altering drugs just to get me headed in the right direction to stay sane.
Also I don't need to submit to cosmetic surgery, just so on the outside I appear to others the way I feel inside.
Also I can marry and raise a family without having to swim upstream against a tide of fear and stupidity.
That's enough from me. Lets her from youz
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