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To Dad with Love - A poem



Ok so I have been inspired by Father's Day to share something I wrote many moon's ago.


On that day in Summer when they told me you'd died,

All I could do was sit there, and I cried.

I cried for days and I got no sleep.

I tried to heal my woulds but the cuts were too deep.

To only meet you once at three months old.

I can not handle what I have been told.

To know I'll never see you again,

I've lost a Father, I've lost a friend.

I can't handle this. I can't let go.

I can't help to think that I'll never know,

Who you are and what you're like,

You are my Father. You are Mike.

To know where you're buried, I'll never know.

For no one will tell me where I am to go.

I love you a lot although we never really met.

But I want you to know that I'll never forget.

I carry you photo with me always,

And the ring on my finger day by days.

I hope that you know the love I have for you.

And know that one day I'll say it to you.

The day I die in Heaven we'll meet.

And I know that day, my heart will skip a beat.





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